𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲. vita mutatur, non tollitur

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Humans had to be on guard, for vampires were not the sole predator lurking in the shadows. At times, humans were willing to take the lives of their own kind, including their own flesh and blood. A pitiful sight, truly. Unfortunately, one Riki had first-hand experience with. Though, if that was so unfortunate was something he was highly unsure of. If anything, he thought his family would happily thank him for liberating their soul from their miserable lives. However, not everyone seemed to have his clever mind.

Especially not Harrow, who impatiently stood beside Astralis. There was a brawl about to ensure in front of them, a minor argument about who should inherit the fields. Humans, never satisfied, always striving for more. Perhaps that was what made them the most successful creatures. They could be clever, they could also be incredibly foolish, never admitting their folly.

Exhaling a small breath, Astralis watched as the skirmish began.

'I smell fear,' Harrow's voice seemed to reverberate through her very head, an echo bouncing against the walls of her skull.

'I feel courage and pain,' she said. 'Many will die today.'

'I need no courage,' Harrow huffed. 'I need fear and cowardice.'

His steed staggered in agreement, red eyes drilling into hers.

She turned her head to look up at him; hooves were digging into the forest floor impatiently, kicking restlessly.

'Someone is dying,' he said and inhaled a deep breath, as if smelling the fear. He could feel it; the tingling sensation of excitement.

'Yes, sweet Harrow,' Astralis murmured softly. 'Go on, chase.'

He needed no more command before he set off. The sky seemed to darken as Harrow began his chase, scythe in his hands, slicing open bodies, freeing their souls in a black mist.

Many were here to be guided to the afterlife. But none for Astralis. So, to satisfy her bored mind, Astralis began to observe the outskirts of the village where families were hiding from the arguing people. There was something calling to her, a pull inside her chest.

It was there she laid eyes on him, Riki with a woman pressed against a tree, teeth sunken into her flesh as he feasted upon her blood.

White eyes flickered between the two before they finally rested on the woman. The very reason Astralis was there. Pale from the lack of blood, limp from the lack of agency and control she had over her body. Her eyes were closed, lips moving in silent prayers. The woman was calling out to her.

'Sweet child.' Astralis' voice echoed as a gentle whisper across the forest.

Stretching a bony hand out, Astralis beckoned the woman closer. As if sensing her presence, the woman's eyes opened.

With the soul detached from the body, the woman cautiously made her way toward Astralis. Yet, before their hands touched, she gazed down at her own deceased figure, her senses overwhelmed by the sight of her lifeless shell.

𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀. . . nishimura riki ✔Where stories live. Discover now