chapter 1

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"Charlie wake up." Clay was saying as Charlie was sleeping in bed.

"Clay for the fifteenth time she's sick she has a fever, leave her alone and go play with alex." Mia, their mother said.

"Mom?" Charlie asks.

"Yes?" her mother asks back.

"Can i please please please play in the tournament tomorrow." she asks

"For the tenth time we need to see how you're feeling tomorrow morning." her mother responds

The doorbell rings,its alex he always without fail brings one of the twins (the sick one) flowers when they feel under the weather.

"It's alex!" cadin says.

Alex comes in the room and hands Charlie the flowers as she had woken up from all of the clays begging.

"Thanks." she says in an exhausted tone.

The next day.


Charlie gets up feeling a swoosh of dizziness whoosh over her causing her to fall back to her bed.

Clay sees this and rushes over, "you okay charlie?"

"Yeah just got up too fast that's all."

She gets up and grabs her soccer jersey and shorts,knee high socks and cleats.

Clay does the same (they play on a girls and boys team.) "Hey Charlie, how are you feeling?" Mia asks.

Charlie's face was pale and she was sweating and shivering all at the same time. "I feel fine. I can play today." she lies.

"Okay i'll trust you,but don't overwork yourself at the tournament ,okay."

"Okay." she replies.

"Hey Charlie, feeling better?" Clay asks.

"Yeah." She lies but her twin brother detects it but doesn't say anything.

At this point they were both ready to go to play, charlie is a goalie and clay is defense and offense. They both are the best 2 players on their team and they both play the whole game because no one is good enough to take their spots. They were both incredibly excited for this game. They have been waiting for this tournament all season and no matter how sick Charlie felt she wouldn't miss it even if she was dying,little did she know.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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