Reporting for war/Madness in skeletor's base

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"Narrator: in year 1942, the war against Hydra is still up the americans were deciding to make a  super soldier that's can beat entire army of nazis,they choice one guy and his name is Jane doe.

the expirement were success,we give soldier a sheild along with shovel and rocket launcher.

we also send our soldier scott william pilgrim,even know he's bit young to be in war they allow it.

The war is about to end while soldier and scott keeps rescuring and stop the nazis. there were some fucked up moments that's these two did but let's keep it secret.

Anyways the fate of world is come for this warriors.... i hope so"

In snowing forest,Jane and scott were in Millitary car as they ready for to invade the hydra base.

"Jane Doe/Captain america: alright scott listen up ! we went through this far to invade the last base. we save some innocents and teach those Hydra maggots a lesson of what we are !" says soldier

"Scott Pilgrim: sure but not fact some people we save died or some were ancidelly murdered by us. do you remeber that family we save but the father gets run over by Hydra tank  in front of us or we eat Timothy corpse during a camp fire ?" says scott.

"Jane Doe/Captain america: that there was a incident and also may god bless soul Timothy's soul at least we learn about cannibalism. but none then are weird then time i rescure a man and blue skinned child." 

They were arrive to main gate guarded by Hydra soldiers and decide to go through each sides. 

"1st Hydra guard (Vanoick shiz): have you heard the rumors about that blue and red soldier that's  murders  our soldiers in brutal ways ? no wonder why we should guard this main gate."

"2st Hydra guard (Bennie Heinz): i don't like the idea of we guard this main gate because of a super soldier,it's somehow creepy as hell."

"1st Hydra Guard (Vanoick Shiz): i should be shoes worker instead becoming a nazi soldier and standing in middle of snow guardiang this base."

They hear sound of stick of tree falling to ground before they point their guns out.

"2st Hydra Guard (Bennie Heinz): opps, my bad that's was just a false alarm." the guard laughs a bit

"1st Hydra Guard (Vonoick Shiz): jesus ! don't scary the shit out of me next time."

A sheild flies straight to second guard's face and cuts it in half.

"1st Hydra Guard (Vonoick Shiz): huh ?!"

First guard gets his head stomped by scott's boots,scott junps off after stomp hydra soldier's head.

"Scott pilgrim: great, now there's hydra gips in my foot."

Jane shows up with his shield with bit of blood.

"Jane doe/Captain America: it's normal for a soldier, now let's move up !"

Jane kicks main gate and runs to main entrance.

"Scott Pilgrim: at least you didn't alert the guard."

Scott follows him to main entrance,they ended up in hallway.

"Scott Pilgrim: here we are. I think Red skeletor is should been-"

"jane Doe/Captain America: Heh heh Heeeeh !" Soldier runs towards through hallway 

"Scott Pilgrim: Wait !" He follows soldier through hallway.

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