2 • boy meets boy

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As promised, Jimin helped his mother with her order. The customer lived in a large house on the outskirts of Seoul with a well-maintained garden, making the artist wonder why she needed the services of a florist when the homeowner seemed to have a green thumb herself. Nevertheless, he didn't complain; it brought happiness to his mother, after all.

He began carrying boxes filled with flowers from their small white van, following his mother to the front door. He insisted that she shouldn't carry or even touch them. She looked so beautiful, wearing a pale pink dress with her long blond hair cascading down her shoulders to the curve of her back. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy, and Jimin felt as if he could see the same flame that once lit up when she watched his father dance. Her eyes were happy to be reborn. Despite the wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, traces of thousands of smiles, Jimin couldn't help but marvel at her beauty even after all these years.

His father used to tell him that she was as lovely as the first day, and he had to love someone eternally radiant, as it was the promise of everlasting love. Love never ages, he would say; it flourishes. Jimin shifted his gaze from his mother to the woman opening the door, inviting them inside. Unlike his mother, who exuded a soft and innocent beauty, the newcomer projected a controlled and measured elegance. The image that came to his mind was that of a magnificent and quiet library, intimidating in its grandeur.

- Mary! Come in, don't stand on the doorstep!

- Thank you, Mrs. Jeon.

The woman turned to her son, gesturing for him to enter. Mrs. Jeon's eyes naturally moved to Jimin and the boxes he carried. It took her less than a second to react.

- These must be heavy; I'll ask my son to help you. Jungkook!

- Thank you, ma'am, but it's my job-

- It's no trouble at all to help you with the boxes, you know. Jungkook!

Upstairs, a door slammed shut before heavy footsteps approached, descending the stairs that the homeowner was so keen on decorating with live plants. A small brunette head appeared but quickly froze upon seeing the man in overalls and red converse shoes from the flower shop, looking around with a mixture of boredom and curiosity. He seemed unreal, like a small splash of color in his pristine white living room. Everything appeared too subdued and uniform, unlike the young man who had changed his bleached blonde hair to a reddish-orange, giving his neutral eyes an unusual softness.

- Jungkook, help this young man with the plant boxes.

The student had to recover sooner or later from his shock because the eccentric young man left without waiting, going to fetch the remaining boxes. Jungkook followed him, hurrying to assist. He wanted to talk; he wasn't shy at all, but something in Jimin's emotionless face made him uneasy. He felt small and invisible, even though he was a whole head taller than the other. Perhaps he remembered Jungkook? Remembered how unhelpful he had been the time he fell in the shop, not even offering a hand to help him up? They carried the boxes in silence, the student continuing to observe the new arrival from the corner of his eye.

Once done, the two women sat down to chat over coffee, and the eccentric one (as named by Jungkook) hurried towards the front door after whispering to his mother that he would wait in the car. However, Mrs. Jeon called him back, suggesting he wait with her son in his room, as they seemed to be around the same age and could become friends. Jimin glanced at his mother, seemingly seeking her opinion, but she just smiled at him. Mrs. Jeon was very kind, but Jimin clearly wasn't the same age as the young man who appeared to be in college. He just looked younger, and he wasn't particularly keen on making friends. Yet, always thinking about Mrs. Jeon being a good client for his mother and maintaining professionalism, he agreed, climbing the stairs behind Jungkook, who had no choice but to accept the eccentric in his room. His mother never asked for his opinion anyway.

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