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He noticed her when she stepped into the room. She was the most beautiful girl of all time. Raven hair, electric blue eyes, a dress that resembled her figure. She was dutchess, though, and he was a common man. A filthy rich common man, but still one none the less. He smiled as he watched her hips sway back and forth. He was only here to ask for permission to marry his wife-to-be Caracas. Yes, her name was also the capitol of Venezuela, but she didn't choose it. Morticia sat down.

"Greetings." She spoke, her voice filled with certainty. "My father will join us shortly." Gomez nodded and eagerly held Caracases hand.

"Miss Frump." Caracas started, addressing the raven-haired woman. "Do you suppose that we could start without your father?" She asked, nervousness never creeping into her voice. Gomezes eyes widened in shock. He would have never asked the question she just did. Wanting to start without the ruler of Paleotin in the room was barbaric, like leading a lion home just to attack your sibling. The thought made Gomez laugh, almost.

"I suppose so." Morticia sighed and reached for her fork. Dinner before talking, Gomez thought. What were they talking about exactly. Morticia, the dutchess of Paleotin, a small island in ThisIsMadeUp, was to make decisions on who was to marry and who was to not. Gomez, knowing he could never have the one he truly loved, -Morticia- went after the firey red-head Caracas. In the end, he got down on one knee, and now they were here to see if the Dutchess Morticia would allow them to wed.

"Could we just start before food?" Caracas asked. Gomez realized the girl was pushing the dutchesses buttons.

"Mon amor, we should let the dutchess be. She has to regenerate after her long day in the castle, excuse her while she eats. It won't take too long." Gomez smiles and kisses Cara's hand, watching as she blushes at the nickname.


I found the man in front of me intriguing. He seemed to be in love with the Caracas girl, but he was putting on a show. Mr. Addams grabbed the girls hand and kissed it. Somehow, I longed to feel his lips on the back of my hand. Maybe he was just another filthy man who paid this woman to be his bride, but I think he really truly does love her. That is why I must break them up. I am a sucker for romance, but not when they don't fit. I don't know how, but I know. Maybe it's the way he sits there in silence, afraid to set off her anger or maybe it's his eyes, focused on me rather than her. Or maybe that's my imagination getting the better of me.

"Alright now, Mr. Addams and Ms. Larty, let's settle this now." I wish I could tell them differently. They seem so sweet, their eyes fixated on each other Gome- Mr. Addams wrapping his hands tightly around hers, maybe they could last. No. They are doomed to fail, I can tell now.

"Are we to be wed?" Mr. Addams asks, his voice going higher as his sentence finishes.

"No, you are to go home and pack your bags, move far away from each other, and resolve conflict years later." Is what I wanted to say. But a dutchess treats others with respect. "No, you are not compatible." I say simply, sipping my red wine and tapping my finger on the red table cloth.

"No?" Mr. Addams asks in shock.

"No." I confirm, continuing my drinking and my finger-tapping. I know I probably just ruined a perfectly good marriage all for the sake of a simple crush on a common man, but I can not say they would work out. And, from the information I have gathered, the dutchess that grants the marriage proposal has to be at the wedding, and I could not stomach the marriage of this handsome young man and a Witch in disguise. I just saved Mr. Addams from years of despair, according to word of mouth.

Hello! This is my first chapter of this book, and I'm so excited to continue it! Also, I made the rules up completely for the marriage stuff ik for sure it's not at all true. Thank you for reading so far!

Words: 716

The Dutchess • Moticia × Gomez storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें