Stiles' Admirer

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Erica winces and moves her head to the side so that's she's facing Boyd. She catches his eyes and he gives her a forced smile before they both flinch at the scream that comes from Stiles. They are both hanging from metal wiring that's got electricity pumping through into their bodies.

Meanwhile, Stiles is laying on the floor, rolled up in a fetal position. The hunters have been 'questioning' (torturing) him for the past hour. Erica and Boyd had thought that they would have gone easy on Stiles, considering that fact he's human. But every instrument of torture that the had used on them, the have been using on Stiles.

Right now, it's the whip that looks more like barbed wire glued to a handle than an actual whip. Erica has taken to breathing through her mouth instead of her nose, on account of the fact that she can smell Stiles' blood so strongly that it's making her nauseous. She wants to help him, but she can't.

She had tried at the beginning to get them to focus on her and Boyd but it hadn't worked, Gerard was wholly focused in on Stiles. It confused her, Stiles was just human, not even a member of the pack. And yet Gerard thought he could get information about Derek from him. The annoying thing is that Erica thinks he may be right.

Stiles is a bumbling, spastic idiot at the best of times but that doesn't mean he isn't also, smart, courageous, focused, loyal and most importantly aware. Erica knows that Stiles knows more than he should. Erica knows that Stiles has information about the pack that could take them down from the inside if he so wished. What Erica doesn't know, is why Stiles hasn't said anything.

"Ahh!" Stiles scream is loud but gets cut off when one of the hunters stomps on his stomach, winding him.

"Come on now Stiles. We both know that you know where I can find Derek. You just have to tell me and all of this will be over." Gerard croons.

"Screw you." Stiles gasps before coughing.

Erica watches in horror as Stiles coughs up blood that splatters across his lips.

"Looks like we've damaged a lung. I'd start speaking sooner rather than later if I were you boy." Gerard warns.

"I die and my father will never let you go." Stiles giggles in a hysterical tone that scares Erica.

Gerard kicks Stiles, causing him to roll onto his back. Then the ruthless man steps onto Stiles' chest and slowly adds pressure.

"What could a small town Sheriff possibly do against me?" Gerard questions.

Erica watches Stiles open his mouth and she's terrified because she knows Stiles, she knows he's going to say something that will provoke another round of screams. But Stiles stops as does everyone in the basement when screams start up but not from Stiles. From above them.

"Bye bye Allison." Boyd whispers, loud enough for only Erica to hear, when they hear the teenagers scream abruptly cut off and the heart beat that they could just hear, skips before stopping completely.

"That would be Derek, finally come to rescue his wayward pack." Gerard smirks, obviously having no idea that Erica and Boyd can hear the heartbeats upstairs cutting off, one by one. "Let's go an greet them, shall we?"

Gerard turns towards the stairs. The old man allows his men to go ahead of him before they head out of the basement.

"What the..." They all hear as they left the basement door open, before screams from the men suddenly start.

Erica tries to focus on the sounds she can hear from up the stairs but she gets distracted by Stiles slowly sitting up, wincing with every movement.

"Stiles, stay still." Boyd instructs quietly.

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