Chapter 1

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I felt it exactly at this moment when someone said "everything isn't the same on the inside as it looks on the outside". tears were about to roll down my cheeks but I held it all in as I plastered a fake smile on my face. 

Flashback to December, the 22nd                                                                                                                                                              

 everyone could hear joyous loud screams and laughter throughout the hallways of our school premises while I was walking back an fourth in my place, extremely nervous about my next move. my anxiety shot up as I saw that one familiar soul walking towards me inside the classroom as if I wasn't waiting for the moment. Sarah fixed my jacket as she told me to gather up the courage to admit about my feelings that I had been hiding, the past few months. Sarah then went up to Vincent and whispered him to meet me outside the canteen. I hurriedly made my way to the canteen, nervously pacing up and down on how to admit to my feelings. My anxiety shot up when I saw that familiar soul making his way to me. Sarah came up to me as she bombarded me with atleast a hundred questions, adding to my nervousness, as he finally got closer, she left with a nod of her head wishing me good luck. He finally came up to me and said Vincent : "Hey, so what do you want to talk about?" 

Riley : "Hey sorry for disturbing you do you have a moment?"

Vincent : "Its okay sure go on"

Riley : "I really wanted to let you know about this and get this off my chest today. Overtime I have developed feelings for you. Im sorry, I just wanted to let you know. If you don't feel the same its completely okay no pressure  but I think you have the right to know"

Vincent : "Oh its okay, its fine..." (Sarah shoots a bombastic side eye trying to figure out what were conversing about)

Riley : "I'm sorry I just had..."

Vincent : "No its okay, its okay I just don't really care about this stuff"

Riley : "Im sorry I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable"

Vincent :"No it's okay ,it's fine" (smiles and turns red, walks away while glancing back at Riley again and again. Sarah and Vincent made eye contact, exchanging a smile as he continued blushing)

I stared at the ground squeezing my bottle as hard as I could knowing that I ended two ways, friendship as well as love. Sarah approached me, looking at my disappointed look tried to figure out what happened. I nodded with a sorrowful look and told her that I would explain the situation to her later on the way back home, during the bus ride. 

During the bus ride I told her about the entire event as she continued to console me on what just happened.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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