Eternal Sunshine - 1

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"Miss it is time for you to wake up" A calm voice can be heard on the other side of my door. I smile hearing the voice of Tabitha. The door opened ever so slightly and a small head popped in to check if I needed to be awoken. 

"I've already awakened, Tabitha" I softly call out to my maid. I was brushing my hair with utmost gentleness before looking at my reflection from my vanity mirror.

"Oh! Would you look at that!" Tabitha smiled widely seeing as I had awakened before she could awake me from my slumber.

I smile cheekily as I exit my room. "Is Mama and Papa home?" I ask, noticing all the other maids rushing in and out of the house. "They seem to be... occupied"

"Your parents arrived this morning and I was told not to wake you from your slumber" Tabitha looked at her. "Now, Miss, let us head to the dining hall" Tabitha walked with Seraphina down the stairs and into the dining hall.

"Oh! Seraphina!" A soothing voice rang. "Dearest, I've missed you dearly." Evangeline Thorne, the Duchess of Sussex. The duchess smiled when she laid eyes upon her daughter. She got up from her seat and hugged her daughter.

"Seraphina, you look lovely." Seraphina turned to look at her father and smiled. "Papa!" Sera smiled and disengaged from her embrace with her mother to go embrace her father.

"How are you, my love?" Reginald Thorne, the Duke of Sussex. The duke looked down at his daughter with love and care.

"I am feeling well now that you are here, Papa." Seraphina looked up from her father's embrace and smiled.

The smile on the duke's face and he disengaged himself from his daughter's embrace. "Darling, we have something to tell you.."

Hearing the tone of her father's voice, Seraphina looked at her father to study his countenance and all she could see was the look of sadness and dread.

"We are to move to Lavishton."

"What.." Seraphina's countenance changed. Her face contained no smile at all. "May I ask what is the reason for this sudden decision?" Seraphina looked between her mother and father. Looking into their eyes trying to see if it was all a silly little prank pulled on her.

All Seraphina got was silence. That proved that it was not a joke.

"When are we to move to Lavishton?" Her voice, breaking. "Tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night!" I gasp in disbelief. "Why ever so soon?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. My once neatly brushed hair is now disheveled.

"Dearest, please calm down.." Evangeline tried to soothe her daughter with calm words but it only went through both ears.

"Your papa's late friend, Lord Maximillian, has a lot in Lavishton," Evangeline explained, unsure if the lady was listening. "His family offered the lot to your father and.."

"Papa accepted." Seraphina interrupted her mother. The duchess nodded her head.

"I apologize for the sudden move but I promise you dearest," her papa moved to be in front of his daughter. "Lavshton is a great place. Where cows can graze miles and miles of untouched grass" Seraphina looked up at her father's countenance. Seeing the admiration on his face, his eyes gleaming.

The only daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex hesitated before answering. "If Papa thinks Lavishton is most suitable for us," The daughter looked at her Mama and Papa.

"Then I guess we must move." Seraphina sighed. The Duchess and Duke looked at one another. "Then it is settled," the Duke gave his wife and child a small smile.

Dear Esteemed Romantics,

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have seamlessly integrated into the tapestry of Lavishton, where whispers of their presence weave through the town like a waltz. The once-sleepy coastal haven now witnesses a regal rendezvous of tradition and modernity.

The sea cliffs, the steadfast witnesses of countless tales, now echo with the laughter of the Sussexes, adding a touch of royal resonance to the coastal serenity. Speculation thrives like wildflowers in the gardens of gossip, as the residents curiously ponder the impact of such prestigious transplants on their beloved town.

As the mysterious informant of Lavishton, I promise to keep you abreast of every nuance in this royal escapade, where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex paint their legacy on the canvas of a seaside realm.

Yours truly,
Madame Everingham

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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