A New Beginning

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Here I stood. It was finally time. I was at King's Cross Station, with my mother. I let out a nervous sigh. It was going to be okay, maybe a fresh start was exactly what I needed, though I first denied it and tried to make my mum change her mind and stay in France. My emerald eyes scanned through the station until I spotted platforms 9 and 10, the ones my mum told me about. I looked at them with a puzzled expression. Did she seriously expect me to get to platform 9¾ between that yellow/greyish brick wall?

"Maman? Ce n'est sûrement pas par là qu'on va à la voie 9¾." ("Mama? That's certainly not how we get to platform 9¾.") I said, concerned. My mum let out a laugh.

"Sweetie, we are witches. Does it still surprise you? And we are in England now; no need to speak French."

I had my arms crossed and my eyes focused on the ground, lost in my own thoughts for quite some time. My mum looked down at her silver watch, then around the train station, and lastly, her eyes landed on me, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready? Nobody is looking right now." I looked up at her with a tilted smile, feeling unsure, but I nodded. I rested my hands on the cold handlebar. I was now in front of platform 9 and 10 with my luggage trolley, with my mum behind me. "Now run!" I can't believe this is the actual way to board the Hogwarts Express. I took a deep breath and looked up and down the brick wall and jogged to the brick wall, closing my eyes right before the luggage trolley would hit it, but it never did.

I heard quite some noises. I opened my eyes and felt some kind of excitement. I swayed to my right, and there it was, the big scarlet Hogwarts Express, with smoke surrounding it. My mum came right behind me.

"So this is it then."

"I guess so, Mum." I wrapped my arms tightly around her, closing my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you so much, too, darling." After a small minute, Mum pulled away, kissing both my cheeks, and helped me with my luggage.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I kissed both of her cheeks and got inside the train and luckily easily found an empty compartment and went into it. I carefully placed my black leather suitcase on top of the luggage rack. I sat down on the blue hard seat. The seat wasn't very comfortable, but it wasn't too uncomfortable either. I placed my backpack beside me and pulled out my headphones and cassette player. I took the headphones and then pressed play, and the album "Spice" by Spice Girls began. I closed my eyes to relax.

I opened my eyes suddenly when I heard a knock on the door of the compartment. I looked confused, took my headphones off, and opened the door to two girls. One with beautiful, long, blonde, and straight hair with blue eyes. She was about my height. The other had beautiful, long, brown, and layered hair and was quite smaller than us. "Hello?" I said. The girl in front of me gave me a strange look as if I had something dirty on my face.

"You're new?" the blonde asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Anyways, all the other compartments are full. Do you mind?"

"Sure," I smiled, letting them come inside the compartment. We all sat down. I sat on one side, while they sat beside each other, on the other side.

The girl with brown hair starts speaking. "I'm Pansy Parkinson, and she's Daphne Greengrass," she said, pointing at the girl with blonde hair beside her. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tallulah Montague."

"You're related to Graham Montague, right?" Daphne asked.

"I am, he's my cousin," I smiled.

"You went to Beauxbatons, didn't you? Pansy asked.

"I did."

"So you have been once at Hogwarts back at the time of the Triwizard tournament?"

"Yes. I really liked Hogwarts. I mean, come on, a castle is cool. And if there's one thing I'm happy about, it's the fact I'll never have to wear that awful uniform from Beauxbatons," I laughed.

"They were pretty hideous," the other two laughed.


Word count: 731 words. So this was first chapter for this story🥳 I know it isn't exactly the best but I hope you still can enjoy it! I actually don't know what to write but I hope y'all have a great day🫶🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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