Chapter 1: Employment

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Walking into the colourful, yet hidden building infrount of me, Lincon Park blastung in my ears, I sigh. Today is the first day of my new job, that quite frankly, I am not proud of. You see, my new job is being a casino worker. It might not be a that much of a problem if I wasn't currently a 19 year old in collage. Do you know what goes down in there? Fights, sexual assault, drunk people fighting, drunk driving, and I can keep going on. I don't even know how I passed the interveiw. Do casinos even higher people this young? Why would they even-
My thoughts were interupted by a person, presumably male, clearing their throat.
"Are you going to just stand there or are you going to go order something?" I conclude that the person is definitely male.
"Actually, I am looking for the maneger, we had an online meeting a few days ago about working here, is he around?" I ask in a tone I almost never use.
"Well, hes just 'round back, first door to the left, big sign of a jokers hat. Kinda hard to miss." He responds waving his hands around to emphasize the room.
"Thank you for your help, mind me, but can I get your name?"
"Oh me? Well, my name is Jack. I technically don't 'work' here, even if the boss says otherwise." He claims, using air quotes when saying work and rolling his eyes at the end.
Cluckling a bit at his statement, I thanked him and walked toward the back, taking notice of everything I see. For instance, the place was larger than I had imagined, second, the alcohol area was seprated from the food area, and lastly, it wasn't that crouded, dispite being 6:30 in the afternoon. I couninued walking till I got to the door leading to Joker's office. I knocked twice on the door before it swung open, revealing 2 people, one with a jester hat on his head, who I assumed was Joker, and the other one who was wearing a red vest with a heart on the right side of hist chest, no name tag though.
" Welcome in, take a seat" the person who I think is Joker said, "I'm the person you talked on the phone with, you are Amillia,  if I am correct?"
"Yes, but please call me Millie" I responed.
"This is my longest working employee, Heart, he will be showing you around for the next week while you get the hang of things, is that ok?"
"Of course"
"Good, now, enough with the introductions, lets get down to busness. I have your uniform in the back, but it needs one thing done before you can wear it. Choose one of these emblems and I will embroider it on it."
He held out 3 emblems, One with the letter A and a spade on it, a crown, and 6 ontop of a heart. Kind of weird, proavbly has some twist to it, but I really need this job.
"Choose wisely" Not ominious at all, totally. I ended up pointing to the spade one as he smiles. "Great!" he exclaims eith glee, "From now on, you will be known as Ace! I'm going to go patch this on and will be right back!". He leaves the room soon after leaving me stuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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