Chapter 6

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Over the next few days Chase spent his time looking after Gabrielle. She was slowly healing from her attack. Thankfully there had been no other incidents. He was still going to his office to get his work done but he had some of his men keeping and eye on Gabrielle, just in case there was another attack.

He still hadn't heard from Mr. Goldbloom about the recent attack, not that he cared to hear anything from that man again. As he was heading back to Gabrielle's house, he figured he would stop and grab some food for them, he knew she loved pizza. He had just got out of the car to go grab the pizza when his phone rang, it was an unknown number, so he sent it to voicemail. After he got the food, he was heading back to his car when he saw someone standing next to it. He didn't think anything of it until he got closer and saw who it was, Alex. He frowned when he saw him, what did this prick want now. He hoped he wanted another beating because Chase was ready for a fight.

At first Alex didn't notice Chase coming up behind him. He just stood there playing on his phone. He felt the hand grab his arm before he saw Chase. He was spun around so fast that he dropped his phone. He didn't have time to react when Chase's fist made the connection with his face.

"What the hell do you want?" Chase asked him, getting ready to punch him again.

"I have a message from Mr. Goldbloom." Alex said as he tried to shield his face, expecting another blow.

"Oh really, and what does that no good father want?"

"He told me to tell you, either you finish the job you were given, or he will finish you."

"Ha ha." Chase laughed at that.

"Does he know who he is dealing with. I am the leader of the most infamous Mafia in this city. I am the one big shots call when there is a problem. He can't touch me. Yes, he hired me to get rid of his daughter after what she had supposedly done, there is a problem with that though. You see I did some digging into both their backgrounds. Gabrielle is a completely innocent party in all of this, if anything I should be going after him to kill, not her." Chase spat at him.

"What are you talking about, her being innocent, she is at fault for everything." Alex told him, looking confused.

"Do your homework before you go accusing people of wrong doings. Now get out of my way and if I ever see you around Gabrielle again or find out you have plans on hurting her, you will become my target not her. You can pass the same message on to Mr. Goldbloom too." Chase said, kicking Alex out of his way.

Chase got into his car and drove back to Gabrielle. He was tired of everyone saying she was the bad guy when it was the other way around. He had to do something about all of this. He had to make an example out of someone, as a warning for what happens when you make up lies about someone to fit your agenda.

As he arrived at the house, he noticed that his men weren't outside like they were supposed to be. He quickly got out of the car and grabbed the gun he kept under his seat. He made his way towards the door, he didn't hear anything either, which seemed odd. He entered the house and was met with silence, his heart started to sink. As he made his way through the house he looked around and noticed nothing was out of place. He made his way past the kitchen, through the dining room, and up the stairs before he heard laughter. He was confused. He made his way to where the sound was coming from, the library.

He saw light coming out from under the door. He still heard the laughter. He opened the door and was met with a confusing sight. There was a card table set up in the middle of the room and Gabrielle was dealing out the cards. His men all sat around her, joking with her, making her smile and laugh. They hadn't heard him come in the room yet.

Once he collected himself and put his gun away, he made his presence known by asking what was going on. Gabrielle looked at him first, a twinkle in her eye.

"We are playing uno. Want me to deal you in.?" She asked innocently.

"These men are supposed to be keeping you safe not playing cards." He told her looking around at him men as they hung their heads.

"Oh, will you lighten up. I was lonely waiting for you to come back so I decided to let these men have a break. They were bored out of their minds, and I wanted to have some fun. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me, it is my fault." She told him, almost challenging him to say something.

Kevin was among the men that were there. He had his head down but had to contain his smirk and hold down the laugh that threatened to escape his lips. He had never heard anyone speak to Chase like that and if they did they wound up paying for it.

Chase looked at Gabrielle, debating on setting her straight on speaking to him like that or giving her credit for it. He just shook his head at her, giving a men a look that told them to get back to their posts. He was met with a chorus of apologies as the men headed out.

He then left the room and went back out to his car, remembering the pizza that was still there. When he came back in he saw Gabrielle coming down the stairs, sadness evident on her face.

"I just wanted to have some fun. I was still protected, and there was no harm in it. If you want to be mad at me then be mad, but don't take it out on your men." She said softly.

Chase went to the kitchen and set the pizza on the counter, not saying anything to her. He turned back towards her, checking to make sure she was in fact unharmed. He sighed.

"I know they were still protecting you. I have never had them disobey an order though, when they are told to stay somewhere they normally do. What kind of spell did you put over them to make them disobey an order." he told her, chuckling as he finished.

She shrugged her shoulders. Her eyes then landed on the pizza behind him.

"Did you really bring pizza." She asked, smiling again.

"Yup, I did. Would you like some." He asked, noting her smile.

She shook her head and went to grab plates. He chuckled at how fast her mood changed, from feeling bad about the game to happy that there was pizza. He could get used to this.

"Woah where did that come from." He thought to himself.

He served the pizza and after they ate, he sent Gabrielle up to get a shower and head to bed he needed to do a few things. She asked if he was coming back after. He nodded before heading out.

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