Chapter 15

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  The events that transpired during their escapade were quite interesting. Arkos, out of nowhere, had a fit of wild twitching for a whole three minutes. And, just before they headed to meet up, Renee could've sworn that she saw Sam's face. Then she claimed that Sam kissed her, just before running off again.

  They all decided to head back to the dorms, in the small hope that it would help them calm down. Renee was wailing, tears streaming down her face. When they shared the news with Amelia and Quarts, they were mildly surprised to hear about Renee and Sam's possible first kiss. They were also surprised by the sudden appearance of Sarah, who none of them had ever met before. Yet, the unfamiliar blonde promised to find young Sam for them. It was an unusual act of kindness.

  After hiding from his friends all day, he felt tired and guilty. The hat on his head felt unusually heavy, as if it represented his conscience. Yet, there was something that kept him happy. The feeling of Renee's lips against his still remained. It made his heart feel light and warm.

  Sam removed the hat, staring up at the statue. One day, when he was stronger, maybe he would show his friends his ears. Both the little black ears stood from his head, just like his mother's ears. It felt right.

  "There you are," Sarah said. Sam turned around, slightly startled. "Everyone's worried about you." That was the worst feeling of all.

  It was nearing the end of the weekend, with no word from Sarah since her message earlier. She had found their mutual friend. Sam was okay, but they still needed time. So, as suggested, Sora and Arkos went for a quick round of research. It didn't seem as easy as they thought it would be.

  "How do you know about that stuff?" Quarts asked, looking over their shoulders. They were researching the things they had heard in the stories from their parents' book. They explained that it was just something they had known since they were kids. The Maidens, the kind of Warrior that Sora would one day become, even the powerful and deceitful Salem was on their search list. Sora felt like one of her mental breakdowns would be coming soon. Arkos knew it too, because he immediately led her out of the library.

  They walked around for a little bit, just Sora and her cousins. Penny also joined in. They had promised Renee that Sam would be coming back with them. They had promised that they would all come back together.

  "Are you okay?" Yin asked, having seen the shake in Sora's hands and face. She argued back, lying that she was fine. "I'm pretty sure you're lying." Sora clenched her eyes shut, trying to tune her cousin out. "Sora, you can't just ignore what's going on around you just because you're worried." She argued that she could.

  They didn't get any time to talk before a noise caught their attention. It was sort of like a boom, maybe like an explosion. No matter what it was, they heard it.

  They ran through the streets worried over the noise. In every story they'd heard, loud noises with no apparent cause were likely to be bad news. And, considering their history, Sam had something to do with it.

  "I'll go, you stay here just in case," Sora ordered her cousins and Presilla. William and Yin gave each other looks, but stayed in place. This wasn't their fight, it was hers. She had been the one who promised Renee, it was her mission.

  When she arrived, it was clear that she was already too late to prevent a fight from happening. Sam and Sarah were deep in battle with partially cloaked figures. Oh, and a certain man that Sora recognized from many weeks before.

  "Isn't it past your bedtime, little red?" the man mocked, using a nickname she'd only heard in the stories.

  No, it wasn't. It wasn't anywhere near her bedtime.

  "Sora, are these people your friends?" Presilla wondered, blinking innocently beside her. Sora got barely a moment to answer before she was blasted five feet away. Perhaps that was explanatory enough for Presilla.

  Apparently, it had been. The young girl strode up to the edge of the crate they were standing on. Despite Sora's clear protests, Presilla reassured her that she was combat ready. A faint bell rung in the girl's mind.

  Before Sora knew what was happening, blades sprouted from the backpack on Presilla's back. The blades swept the bad people off of their feet. She could hardly believe her eyes.

  The blades danced around Presilla, being used for various reasons. A propeller backward, a shield, even one of maybe the most astounding ball of glowing light that Sora had ever seen. She hoped, for just a brief little moment, that she might be able to produce such an astounding feat some near day.

  Every single transport that had arrived was sliced in half. It was startling, yet somehow beautiful. Sora felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement barrel through her.

  But then, the final transport took off. The man that attacked her that one night was in the airship above. For a second or two, they could all feel the dread in the air. It was one more battle they hadn't quite won. Their battle count was growing more and more confusing.

  Sam looked up at Sora, immediately startled. Admittedly, she was standing on a crate, which was on top of a building. There was reason for alarm. Especially since she felt unusually ill the moment she looked down. Her hands began to shake and tiny silver sparks, barely visible unless you were beside her, floated to the ground.

  "Get down from there!" Sam shouted at Sora, sounded nearly petrified. "You're going to get hurt!" That was definitely the Sam she knew best, the one that watched over her no matter what the circumstances were. It hadn't been very long since she'd last seen him in that form. "Sora, get down here now!"

  After a perilous trip to the building's roof, she was engulfed in a tight hug. The strong embrace was just a bit more than she could handle. They were still off the ground, which was causing her to feel far from the usual amount of fearful that she normally felt.

  "You don't need to hide from me, I'm not a kid anymore," Sora reminded Sam, looking up at his delicate ears with childish wonder. She couldn't help but ask up a favor of him. "Can I... can I touch your ears?" Sam nodded understandingly, which made Sora beam. They were soft to the touch and reminded her of velvet, a gentle warmth radiating from them. "So cool!"

  "Are you sure you're okay now?" Sam asked sternly, trying to make sure. Sora nodded dutifully, knowing deep down that she really wasn't okay. Too much had happened.

  Before they really knew what was going on, they were sitting on crates down on the ground. Police cars had parked around them on all sides, with their officers collecting evidence where the fight had happened. They'd been so worried about what would be said that they didn't notice Presilla disappear.

  "Thank goodness!" Yin exclaimed, charging up to them and giving her two friends relieved hugs. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." Guilt, and perhaps fear, sunk into Sora's throat. She tried to keep it down by swallowing, but it didn't fix the looming mess.

  "Next time something big comes up, come to us first," William warned Sam, giving him a stern but happy look. The young Faunus nodded his downcast head in understanding. They were reunited and glad to be so.

  And, when they returned to Beacon, it seemed Renee was the happiest of them all.

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