Part 14

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5 minutes till we land in Nice.
My mom told that she's going to pick me up from the airport.
I couldn't wait to see her but also kind of don't want to see her. After all those years we didn't have contact and then „out of nowhere" she calls me and tells that my dad is dying. Like what the fuck?
But let me enjoy the time in Monaco.

The airplane landed and i made my way to the exit. I waited till my luggage's came and I took them. Following the directions to the airport exit, I finally reached the parking lot. Somewhere there should've been my mom waiting on me.

I see a Bentley pulling up and rolling down the window showing my mother. She came out of the car and hugged me tightly. „Omg Isa I missed you so" she told me as she had her hands on my shoulder. „I missed you too mom" I said with a cold smile.

She took my luggage's and we went into the car. The drive from Nice to Monaco takes about half an hour so I decided to put some music off my phone on.
I connected my Spotify with the car and put on my playlist on.

After a few songs playing and having my head rest on the window, a song came.
But it wasn't just any song. It was from him. Specifically it was „Restare". A song I would cry while singing. It was one of my favorites. Thank god my mum didn't notice it. I didn't think about not hearing his songs anymore but I just wanted to forget him.

Tears fell out of my eyes and my mom looked at my side. „What's wrong honey?" she looked worried. „Oh nothing , I was just thinking about stuff" I replied quickly wiping my tears away.
„You miss him don't you?" my mom asked as we arrived in Monaco. „Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? He's the love of my life but you don't understand that right?" I responded looking at her trying to hold my tears.

We didn't talk further and she didn't even answer my question.

I started seeing villas after villas. Ferraris after Ferraris. The life in Monaco was just „Money and richness".
To be honest, i don't even know how my parents got so „rich". When I turned 18, I directly said to my parents that I wanted to move out but actually the opposite happened.

We arrived at a gate opening itself, to see a beautiful villa with a view to the beach.
You could see whole Monaco from here. It was like a dream.

My dad wasn't living at home anymore because he was in the hospital. So just my mom and I were here alone. We got out of the car and I took my bags and my mom opened the door.

When I say the house was huge.
It. Was. Huge
Or should I say gigantic.

Just imagine being it like that:)

Just imagine being it like that:)

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