Batty Crease Hair

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(i recommend listening to the song while reading)
story written by me + babagrillllll

In the shower, a sanctuary of solitude,
Where daily hair strands are gently subdued.
Water dances, a harmonious flow,
Cleansing body and bum cheeks, a tranquil ass hair glows.

The curtain drawn, a temporary retreat,
A symphony of serenity, ever so sweet.
Steam rising, encircling in a warm embrace.As the water cascades,warm and serene,it washes away the day making you feel clean.

The steam rises, like whispers in the mist, Enveloping your senses, in a tender twist. The hairs embrace, a soothing caress, Melting away tension, leaving you refreshed.

With each drop of water,making you feel at ease.
A long sharp hair falling into your batty crease
With gentle fingers, you grasp that stubborn hair.
A moment of determination a touch of care.

One strand so delicate,caught in a tiny tangle.
You pull ever so gently as not to cause a wrangle.

A tugging sensation, a minor annoyance,
As we strive to free it, with patience and poise.

The hair resists, holding on with all its might,
But we persist, with all our strength and might.
A satisfying release, as it finally lets go,
A victory achieved, a small triumph to show.

We have concurred the batty crease hair.

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