He is with me.

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During the darkest days of my life, He stayed beside me. Never once left the soul that was mine. The soul that had died when the seedlings of trees fell. I felt the frost bite of millions of snowflakes, like burning needles on skin. Buried myself alive in a sea of thin bark with words that surrounded me to protect the heart from giving out.

The touch of the breeze on my cheek told me He was with me. When the trees surrounded me with their children born again, He held me. While thunder and lightning battled in heaven and hell, He helped me fight the demons that tried to kill my soul. Seeing the streams as it fell from my sight, He drowned out the pain with rain that soothed me. Thereafter the rainbow, He told me that we would not let anyone destroy all that we had built ever again. And when the sand under my feet started to diminish, I knew He carried me.

I closed my eyes and felt myself being rocked back and forth. As if I was a child again falling asleep in my mothers arms. Breathing in, the salt cleared my senses so thoroughly that it tricked me into thinking I had tasted my own tears. The sounds of God encompassed my thoughts making me believe I was in Heaven. In the distance I could hear birds calling and the sound water makes when forced against itself. I had learned that I found solitude in water because we were one and the same. Relaxing and beautiful, but if not respected; unforgiving.

I turned my head to see ripples of water taunt me. As if to say, look and you will see. Peering closer I found that I could see my reflection. Brown hair, tan skin, freckles, and blue eyes. Through self reflection, I had come to the terms that He created me exactly the way I was for a reason. Even if I had disliked what looked back at me for so long.

The rayes of sun seized the depression Winter had engulfed in my heart and the sea created a sensation of weightlessness. It was as if I could feel the touch of gentle angels' hands lifting me from the affliction I was burdened with. Even now, when I had found peace and tranquility in my own body and mind. I knew that He was still here. Comforting and leading me in the direction I was meant to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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