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Hey 🌝


This book IS a short story and this book will only have 10 chapters. BUT! I will be creating a mini book series that'll have little drabbles and blurbs following the story, I might do requests for the drabbles but the request HAVE to be about the story and nothing else, so no G!P, sorry 😞

My plan is for this book to be finished before the end of the year and after that I will either return back to my other book OR create a new book for you guys, idk yet lol.

There's only 6 chapters left to be written bc Chapter 4 is finished! It's scheduled to be released soon but I won't say when 🤫 I'm trying to keep my scheduling going so that you guys can get chapters every week but due to other personal things it takes a while for me to get on here and write.

Thank you for being patient with me and stay tuned for chapter 4


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