Under a Monochromatic Sky.

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The sound of his alarm clock on his phone going off awoke the sleeping teenager from his slumber. He reached for his phone and looked at the time. It was six AM, and he still had two hours before he had to go to his job. He could probably wake up in an hour.

He felt something tap his head repeatedly, and Edgar knew what it was. It was his scarf as it pressured him to get up.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up..!"

He rose from his bed, which felt like a tomb to him. Each day he woke, it got harder to get up. He just didn't want to face the world anymore.

It had been a week since he killed Colette. He obviously cleaned his room till it was spotless, the red liquid nowhere to be seen, and the brain matter sweeped into the trash. He threw out the carpet as well, as that would be too hard to clean. He obviously still missed her. He expected to just move on, but that wasn't the case. And though he missed her a lot, he regarded her death as a burden. A burden which he couldn't get rid of, a weight on his shoulders that no one would understand. Sure, she was creepy and over the top, but Edgar knew nobody would believe the claims that she tried to kill him.

God, that night was still etched in his memory. The ax breaking the door down, each swing making Edgar jump in his skin. He knew no one would believe him. And since he just dumped her body into the fountain, it was even more suspicious. Had he just gone to the authorities about this, the story would've been more believable, but he never did, and you can't change the past.

He turned on the shower and hopped inside. The warm water hitting against his back felt nice, almost relaxing. His scarf was getting wet in the water, but he couldn't take it off since it was connected to his spine. It had been like this for two years now. Before, this scarf was just your regular scarf. Edgar's dad bought it for him for Christmas, and he liked it a lot. Once he started working at Starr Park, however, things changed.

He didn't know how it started, but one day, when he woke up and looked in the mirror, the scarf just started moving, and started having a mind of its own, somehow. He didn't know if it was because of something he ate(Starr Park's food was.. Questionable, to say the least), or something else. He used to hate it, but now he saw it as his friend. It was the only witness, after all. And its presence comforted him.

Once he got out of the shower, he dried his body off. He also dried his scarf, as it was sopping wet. He then grabbed his work uniform and put it on, making sure his name tag was still on his shirt. He then grabbed his makeup kit and sat down as he started to paint his nails black. Once he was done with that, he made his way to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As soon as he entered the kitchen, something brushed up against his leg, and he looked down to see his kitten he had gotten a few days ago.

The cat was now finally starting to trust him more, and he was glad. He needed some companionship, especially after Colette's death. The cat meowed, asking its owner to refill the food bowl, which Edgar did before moving on to his breakfast. He put some bread into the toaster and once it popped out of the toaster, warm and crisp, a little bit burnt on the ends, he carefully took it out and put some butter and ham on it. He sat down at the kitchen table, eating his toast, occasionally turning his attention to his cat, then back to the food.

Once he was done with his food, he washed the dish and headed toward the front door. Cold air washed over him, as he shivered a bit. The window Colette broke when she came to his house was still broken, the glass shards swept away and in the trash. He boarded up the window a day later, but that didn't stop the breeze from making its way inside his house. He slipped on his gloves and zipped up his jacket as he exited his house, making sure to lock the door behind him.

The sunrays beamed down on him as he adjusted his eyes to the light outside. It was beautiful outside today. It was a shame he couldn't see the beauty for what it was. Actually, nobody could, because everyone was so busy with other things instead of just enjoying themselves and their surroundings for once. Colette liked to enjoy the world around her. Everyone's day was brightened as soon as she walked into the room. It was a shame she was gone, and, of course, it had to be his fault.

Under a Monochromatic Sky. (Brawl Stars)Where stories live. Discover now