chapter 1•

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walking through the hallways as i do every day. same Bruce walking with me, same lockers, and same morning glare from arellano. every morning robin would give me the dirtiest look like i had just killed his parents. as he walked passed me he would always nudge me, but i would always ignore it.

robin would always talk shit about me to everyone, at a party yesterday he told everyone there that he "doesn't understand why I'm Bruce's best friend when I'm the most boring shit head". I don't care though. Bruce humbled everyone there afterwards. Bruce has been my best friend since i was just a week old and he's never left me side since. We've only ever been into one fight, we've never stopped being friends, and we've always been there for eachother.

Time skip

it was after class and i was getting chased down the hallway by Matt, Matty and buzz. They would beat me up everyday. Unlike robin who would just harass me with his words, i ran tk the bathroom. They threw me to the ground and beat the shit out of me. Someone walked through the door and I'd hoped it was Bruce, but it was just robin. "Hey Matty" robin spoke. He had been okay friends with Matty, but only to plan stuff for me.

Robin walked past and washed his hands and they kept punching me. Robin stared at me in the eyes. "Jesus, he's bleeding more then he ever has" he said. Buzz laughed. Robin laughed a little. Suddenly they let me go and i walked home, i wasn't gonna stay there with my face like this. I was about to pass out.

I got home and went to the bathroom straight away, cleaning myself up. I could hardly walk, i felt so weak; drained. After i cleaned myself up i went back to school since i knew my father wouldn't be to happy about me going home.

Robin saw me as I walked in. But he didn't say anything or even give me a dirty look. Just glanced at me for a second. My body hurt from all the bruises and i knew my face had still been really noticeable. "What the fuck, what happened to your face finn?" He asked, clearly worried. "Matty, Matt and Buzz." "Are you okay?? It looks worse than usual." "I'm good, just hurt a bit" it hurt a lot but i didn't want Bruce getting himself in trouble.

"Okay.." he said. "Um, i sit with robin in science now because our teacher made us" Bruce spoke "i feel bad for you" i said "i mean hes actually kinda nice?" I stood there shocked. "Are you joking?" "Look i know it sounds stupid but, he's actually kind of nice. He apologized for the stuff he said about me being your friend at the party. And when i told him it was you he needed to apologize to he said 'yeah, i know.' But he sounded somewhat like he felt bad"

"Listen, I know he hurt you really badly. And of course I'll never forget that. But maybe we could give him another chance. I'll talk to him about you to if you want" he said "absolutely not. Robin ruined my life." I said, "i know Finn. But everyone deserves a second chance." The bell rang and we went our own ways. I thought about what Bruce had said. But how could i ever forgive robin? He's so selfish and rude.

I was in science next to robin, we were finished our work and were just talking. "Hey Robin, do you think you could be a little nicer to finney? He's my best friend. He really is a nice and funny guy, just doesn't show it to people he's not close to. And I don't think verbally harassing him is good." I said.

"I'm trying to stop being a butch to him. I've wanted to apologize for awhile now but i know i couldn't be forgiven, and I just don't know how to word anything" I smiled "i could help you if you'd like? Look, he's a little bit stubborn so he's not just gonna forgive you that easily. It's gonna take time. But i know he will if you really show that you're sorry." I said

The bell rang. Robin had been coming over tonight so that we could figure something out for him to apologize. Finn walked up to me after school. We always walked together since he lived near my neighbourhood. We were just about at hus house, mine was a little further down. "What are you doing tonight?? Do you think you could hangout?" Finn said

I already knew he was gonna be pissed. "About that" he looked at me, we were basically at his house. "I know you're gonna be pissed but, robins coming over tonight. I'm really sorry Finn."


Was all he said as he walked in his house. Dammit. There's no way he'll forgive Robin.

Finneys pov
"Gwen I'm home" Gwen had already been home because she would run home after school with her friend Susie. She came to the kitchen where i was. "Hi finney, Amy's coming over since dad works late tonight. I don't think he's home till like, 2am." I nodded and went up to my room

word count; 897

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