My Tummy hurts

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Dear diary. Mama says my first page of my diary should me introducing myself! Hi! m̶   My names Letha and I'm 8 years old! Mama bought me a new diary because someone at school threw my old one away. :(  The kids at school are really mean! But I have sissy so I'm ok. Sissy's really cool! I wanna be like her when I grow up! But anyways! Mama said writing in a dairy is reallyyy good for my m̶e̶n̶t̶i̶l̶ mental health. I don't know what that means but I want to write every day in my diary.


Dear diary. I forgot to write every day. :( Mama r̶e̶m̶a̶n̶e̶d̶ reminded me though! Yesterday was v̶a̶l̶l̶e̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶s valentines day! I heard that you give someone you love something special on valentines day so I got sissy candy! She was really happy!


Dear diary. I was really sad today because someone spilled water on me at school. They even got my favorite shirt wet! Everyone laughed at me. I want a friend. Sissy said that if I had one they would stand up for me. I don't like school anymore.


Dear diary. I don't think I can write everyday. School is reallyy hard and I feel really sad. The kids at school say I'm weird. I'm not though! Their just meany's! Sissy got me candy though!


Dear diary. I came home from school and sissy was hurt today! She was bleeding from the top her head! I asked mama what happened but she ignored me. Did I do something wrong?


Dear diary. My teacher wasn't at school today! I didn't like the s̶u̶b̶s̶t̶a̶   s̶u̶b̶s̶t̶i̶  teacher we had today though. She was really mean called me d̶i̶s̶r̶a̶s̶p̶e̶c̶   mean things! All I did was ask to use the bathroom! But she did look really mad before so maybe I made her more mad? Did I do something wrong?


Dear diary. I got a 100 on my test today! My mom was really happy and got me ice cream! Sissy also got me a new toy and said she was reallyyy proud of me. I like when sissies proud of me!


Dear diary. Sissy went one of her friends house for a sleepover. I really miss her. I want her to come home now! I don't like when she's not home.


Dear diary. Mom and sissy had a argument today. I don't like it when people argue it makes me really sad. People yelling are really scary. I wish that arguing would become i̶l̶l̶i̶g̶a̶l̶   banned so that mama and sissy wouldn't argue anymore.


Dear diary. Sissy hasn't been talking to mama for 6 days now! I think she's really mad at mama. Did mama say something mean in their argument? Mama also seems really mad at sissy. What happened?


Dear diary. I found sissy crying in her room today. She looked really hurt to! I don't like seeing sissy sad. I'm going to make her a drawing so she won't be sad anymore!


Dear diary. Sissy and mama talked to each other today! Mama asked her if she wanted something to eat and sissy said yes! That counts as a c̶o̶n̶v̶a̶s̶a̶  conversation right?


Dear diary. I made a new friend today. I forgot her name though. She liked my drawings! She said t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶   they're reallyy pretty. She seems really cool!


Dear diary. Mama wasn't home today. Sissy said she had work but mama told me yesterday that she had a day off today! She promised she would spend time with me today! Why would she break a promise?

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