Goodbye I guess?

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Clarissa's POV

September 1st 1976

The sound of foot steps and excited children rang into my ears as i stood next to my Mother at King-Cross Station, she has the most unreadable look on her face, but she always does.

without even turning to look at me,"Go on now Clarissa" she murmured quietly,

I didn't even realize the train had arrived,"goodbye i guess" i walked off annoyed. I don't understand why she cant even act like she cares or wants to be seen around me, she didn't even bat an eye when i told her i had gotten Prefect!.

I boarded the Hogwarts Express and sat in our usual compartment my friends and I sit in, staring out the window while waiting for them to arrive, then i start thinking about how everything changed because of one stupid day

September 1st 1971

"Remember my love, you have a reputation to uphold" my Mother smiled to me serenely,

I smiled back up to her

"are you excited to be a Slytherin clary?" my brother Cillian asked, his twin Chase nodding along with him

"I suppose" i shrugged,

Mother decided she was gonna get all serious, 'Our family has been in Slytherin for centuries Clary, you should be more excited." she frowned.

A family had walked past us and Mother gave them a nasty look, I assumed theyre not pureblood like us, its all I ever hear Mother and father talking about anymore. Cillian and Chase were giggling about how weird they looked. They look normal to me, i think?

I was startled by Chase yapping about the train arriving. I have to admit im quite nervous, and Mother filling my head with her expectations did not make it any better.

"Goodbye Mum" tears beginning to fill my eyes "i'm gonna miss you",

Mother looked down at me "you'll be fine Clary, in fact your gonna be great" she smiled "I love you, keep your value high" she reminded me.

I smiled up at her, she always has had a way with her words.

But that would be the last nice thing she'd ever say to me again.

After getting on the train, i followed Cillian and Chase around like a lost puppy into their compartment, some of their Slytherin friends were already in there, they looked at me weirdly.

"hey guys this is our little sister Clarissa" Cillian said blankly,

I was taken aback of how bland he was being, he usually is so energetic at home, the only time I've seen him like that is at the Sacred 28 dinners or when Father is home, but around his friends? I looked at chase but he was already in a conversation with another 3rd year Slytherin, so i just sat next to Cillian, and began to read my book.

"well that was awkward" i whispered to myself while getting off the train, that entire train ride, the compartment was so quiet, they all whispered amongst themselves, like they didn't want me to hear something.

I walked towards a humongous man yelling for first years to follow him, he led us to a bunch of boats. dang it, i should've made friends on the train, because now i have nobody to hop in with, without it being awkward of course.

i noticed two girls in a boat, i recognized the one girl to be the Mckinnions daughter, but i didn't recognize the other girl. I walked towards their boat, "um is it okay if i sit with you guys" i blushed in embarrassment,

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