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As I settled into my seat, still reeling from the brief encounter with Gina before Henry's timely intervention, the classroom buzzed with noise, everyone having their early morning chit-chat.

There was news about a new student, the curious glances and whispering speculations that rippled through the room couldn't go unnoticed. It wasn't often that someone new transferred to Brooks High, especially not in the senior year.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a girl strode in behind the teacher with an air of confidence that demanded attention. Her dark curls framed a face that seemed to carry the weight of the world, her eyes flashing with a fierce determination.

"Hey everyone, I'm Janelle," she announced, her voice cutting through the murmurs of the room. "I hope we get along well..... Or not!"

I couldn't help but be intrigued by her boldness, a stark contrast to the carefully constructed facades we all wore like masks. There was an edge to her, a simmering anger that lurked just beneath the surface.

As she made her way to the only empty seat in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of anticipation. Something about her presence stirred curiosity within me.

After the class, the school's bullies, once Anna's closest friends, took the opportunity to assert their dominance. With smirks plastered on their faces, they made their way to the front of the class and directed their attention towards Janelle, their tone dripping with condescension.

"So, Janelle, tell us about your family," one of them sneered. It was the annoying Trish. "What do they do? Any prestigious connections?"

The underlying implication was clear: if Janelle didn't measure up to their standards, she would be swiftly relegated to the outskirts of our social hierarchy.

Before Janelle could respond, Anna's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "There you go again, what business of yours is her family?" she asked, her tone icy with authority.

"Stay out of it Anna." Trish replied with an attitude. They hated her ever since she stopped being friends with their sorry asses.

"What if I don't? How about I take it to the principal?" Anna smirked, seeing the fear in their eyes.

They knew better than to challenge Anna, especially when they had just one strike left. Last year, they bullied a scholarship kid until she attempted suicide. It was a good thing the teachers saw her before she jumped off the rooftop. It was then Anna realized that they weren't the kind of friends she'd love to keep.

"This is quality control, we can't just let anyone in Brooks". Pat, the other girl stated.

Anna scoffed! "This is Brooks, not just anyone can make it in here, so get your sorry asses to your seats before I get them thrown out of this school".

The bullies slunk back into their seats, chastened and humiliated, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Anna.

That was my twin sister!

Through it all, Janelle simply focused on a book she had out like she didn't hear any of what was going on. A newfound respect blossomed within me. She may have just arrived, but it was clear that she wasn't one to be challenged.

My attention was on her all through the day until it was finally time for lunch. Anna, Henry, Gina,and I sat at our usual table. It was called the top table and was exclusive to us, well Gina asides, she was only here because she and I were "engaged".

"Those two needs to know their place". Anna said, still pissed off by the two dumb bullies.

"You can always remind them". I told her, a proud smile on my face.

"They really think bullying is a way of showing dominance, it's repulsive". Anna continued, gagging after the last statement. Who would have thought they were best of friends. As we spoke, an uninvited guest suddenly sat on our table.

Janelle Norman.

As Janelle settled at the top table, her actions sent a ripple of shock through our little group. Everyone in the cafeteria began murmuring, as they were surprised to see the new kid already at the top table.

The top table wasn't just any ordinary seating arrangement; it was reserved for the elite, the inner circle of Brooks High. And yet, here was Janelle, boldly taking her place among us without a second thought.

I exchanged a glance with Anna, who mirrored my apprehension. Gina shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her facade of confidence faltering for the first time since I had known her. Henry, ever the peacemaker, attempted to diffuse the tension with a forced smile, but it was clear that his efforts were in vain.

"Um, Janelle, you might want to rethink your seating choice," Henry suggested, his voice laced with thinly veiled concerns. "The top table is, uh, kinda reserved for..."

But before he could finish his sentence, Janelle cut him off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I kind of know how hierarchies go" she replied, her tone defiant. "And frankly, I don't give a damn."

Her words hung in the air like a challenge, daring any of us to challenge her presence. I could feel the tension mounting as Anna exchanged a worried glance with me. Janelle was really getting herself in trouble.

Actually, it wasn't an issue with us but it was an insult to our reputation, making it seem as though anyone can settle here. It makes it lose its value.

"I'm just here to thank Anna for standing up for me earlier". She said.

"Oh, if that is done why not excuse the table". Gina spat.

She could be the nicest person but she was way too territorial. Anna laughed, confusing us all as we wondered what could possibly be funny.

"Coming from someone who is only here on condition" Anna jeered.

Gina stared up at me expecting me to take her side. Actually Anna was right, she was only here because of me but she was being mean about it.

"Listen, Janelle, it's not personal," I began, my voice strained with effort. "But the top table is kinda off-limits unless you're, you know, invited like Gina".

Janelle's eyes flashed with anger, her jaw set in a stubborn line. "Well, consider this my invitation," she retorted, her voice dripping with defiance.

Before anyone could respond, Anna stepped in, her tone firm. "Janelle, you are welcomed."

Gina bristled at Anna's words, her fists clenched in frustration. "What exactly makes her welcome?" she snapped, her voice rising. "It wasn't that easy to earn my place here, and she just..."

"Of course it wasn't, you had seep your way into our family. Let's see how long that lasts". Anna retorted.

This was starting to blow out of proportion and I wasn't sure what to do at this stage. It was dangerous to challenge my engagement to Gina, it could get us in trouble back home but Anna never cared. She never gave a fuck what anyone at home thinks.

"Ladies please!" I said trying to put an end to the baseless argument.

"She just made it seem like I forced myself on you!" Gina whined.

"Like that's even a lie". Anna muttered.

"Can you two just stop? What is done is done! I should be the one throwing tantrums about this dumb arrangement not you Anna. You let her in here already, what's the point going back?" I was way too angry to hold back. Their little argument was so annoying.

If she knew she was so against it, why didn't she do something about it from the start?

"And you two just got yourself in deep shit". Henry said.

Anna and I looked around to realize how everyone was staring at us, some recording videos. Now we just made headlines! The entire world would know that our little engagement was forced.

"Good luck dealing with this". Gina smirked and walked off.

We were in huge trouble!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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