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Cyber and Yarian were touring the town, glowing buildings that looked similar to trees lit up the streets. Several hover shuttles passed by them, which Yarian basked in awe.

"Cyber... your planet is absolutely wonderful! So advanced in technology, while having that nature vibe!" Yarian said to Cyber, which made her smile.

*"Thank you, Yarian. I've missed being here, and I'm happy to be back."* Cyber signed with her ears wiggling. Yarian then frowned as she looked to the black asphalt. Cyber noticed as she let out a concerned beep.

"I... should have held onto the vocal simulator better... I'm sorry, Cyber..." Yarian let out a sad sigh. Cyber hesitated for a moment before she held up the vocal simulator in her hands. It was miraculously fixed while they were still on the ship. Yarian gasped as she examined the machine.

"Oh my God! It's fixed! Let's try it out!" Yarian said as she put it around Cyber's neck. Yarian powered it on as it calibrated to Cyber's comfort. When it detected no vocal cords, a needle injected right into her throat that sent a jab of pain. Cyber gasped as the pain eased and looked at Yarian.

"Try it out, Cyber. Can you talk? Say your name." Yarian asked. Cyber hesitated for a moment before she began speaking.

"I'm Cyber. The Cyber Ghost W1SP." Cyber said, her new voice with a heavy accent and a sweet personality. Yarian cheered in excitement, seeing the vocal simulator worked.

"Yes! Yes it works! You can speak out loud!" Yarian jumped in place.

"It will take some time to get used to... since I grew up using sign language." Cyber said with a nervous blush.

"That's completely fine, Cyber. We learn as we go!" Yarian giggled as they resumed their tour.

"Yarian... what was your past life like?" Cyber asked. She felt like a child asking, but she was curious and wanted to know if Yarian had any differences.

"Well, whenever I was younger I wanted to be a daring adventurer. I was one of those girls that wanted to dream big of moving to another planet and discover other forms of life. After all, I am only 13 right now. This has honestly been an amazing life so far, and I'm not even to a quarter of 100. I started dreaming of outer space when I was five." Yarian explained as they walked through town.

"That's incredible! You're still so young, yet surviving like you're an adult! I can tell you've been ready for this." Cyber said, her eyes sparkling.

"Well, I was actually not really prepared to travel off the planet like this. It wasn't exactly how I've imagined, but it's close enough to where I'm satisfied." Yarian giggled.

The two conversed more until they arrived to the center of the city. The hover roads were bustling with shuttles and cars, many W1SPS and a few other species were walking along the sidewalks in groups like clockwork.

"I never knew W1SPS were so innovative!" Yarian gasped in awestruck.

"A lot of other species misinterpret us as if we're either cold, empty machines, or primal beasts. Do I blame them? No, we W1SPS have just recently started going off planet to experiment many different pods and rockets so we can inhabit other planets within the universe. We're almost completely technologically advanced. We have a great team involving Zysmae and Nova." Cyber said.

"I'm rooting for you. Technology tends to be difficult within other species. I watched a documentary video of humans failing their civilisation back in 2300 because of their lack of knowledge, dictatorships and illnesses killing them off. Earth was doomed for a long while. It's nice to see some smart humans here at least." Yarian said as they sat down at a hover bench. They conversed more until alarm sirens began going off. Every creature began to flee into nearby buildings until the whole city was empty. Yarian immediately stood back up getting her weapons ready.

"Seems like something dangerous is coming." Yarian said. Cyber didn't move from the bench as she looked around.

"It's a nuclear test. Everyone is seeking shelter just in case a bomb goes off or a stray laser lands here." Cyber said until Yarian’s Armour was struck by a stray white laser from above. Thankfully, the laser was very weak as it only sent shivers through her body.

"Huh, never would have guessed." Yarian said. Cyber then got up from the bench and went to hide inside of a nearby house. Yarian followed her inside as it was very crowded surrounded by other W1SPS.

"Well, the war is spreading to here. I need to report to Zysmae about it so she doesn't pee her pants in a panic." Yarian said as she attempted to contact her.

A full minute of static sounded until Zysmae's voice crackled through the radio.
"Yarian, are you there?" She asked.

"Yes, Zysmae. Cyber and I are safe in a house with hundreds of other W1SPS. I just got hit by a laser beam, but it only felt cold." Yarian reported.

"An ice laser... stay inside until there are no more lasers at risk of hitting you." Zysmae said as she identified the source of the lasers. "The hostilities are attempting to attack our team. Make sure no one gets out of any shelters."

"You got it, Zysmae. I'll make sure of it." Yarian said as they then hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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