No Storm Without The Breeze

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After the horrible hurricane maniac showcase yesterday, Ochobot and Boboiboy were barely able to clean the entire room. By the time they were done, dawn already set in, and Tok Aba came knocking on their door. Imagine the grandpa's surprise to see his grandson and his Power Sphere laying in the middle of the room, looking dead and pale.

The old man then decided to let Boboiboy and Ochobot rest for the entire day. They were allowed to be at the Kokotaim, as long as they weren't on duty.

The day continued on peacefully. Gopal was still slightly concerned to see his dead looking friends, but both Boboiboy and Ochobot kept waving him off. So he assumed it was just another... whatever.

"It happened in my mind...," Boboiboy grumbled, barely loud enough only for Ochobot to hear. "So why did it feel like my entire body is also tired?"

Ochobot sighed. "Eish, Boboiboy. Don't be so dumb. If you pinched your right shoulder, your other shoulder felt it, too."

A whack to the robot was enough to make him retrieve back his words.

"Urgh, what I mean is, even while using your power in your mental space, it's still connected to your body and a part of your body. That too require energy, hence why your body also felt tired."

"I see... do you think I'm getting better now?"

"Hmm," the robot tapped its newly remodelled screen. "It's still too early to be sure. Did Tempest tell you anything about the next training regimen?"


"Then it's safe to assume that the next one probably will happen again tonight."

That was enough to make Boboiboy sit up straighter from where he was sitting. "Does that mean that I must sleep somewhere else to avoid ruining everything?"

Gopal perked up from his drink. "Ruining what?"

Both Boboiboy and Ochobot flinched. Right. Gopal had been unnaturally quiet that they forgot he was there too. They shared a nervous look before Ochobot took the limelight.

Apparently, a robot can lie better than Boboiboy.

"There's been a problem with Boboiboy's power watch, and it caused destruction last night while he was sleeping," the robot said, telling half the truth. "We afraid that it might repeat again tonight, so we're thinking of finding another place for him to sleep at."

Gopal hummed. "So this is another one of that Boboiboy Api's case?"

"Yeah, but make it Boboiboy Taufan," Ochobot corrected.

Their dark skinned friend clicked his tongue repeatedly for three times before his hand patted the other boy's back. "Poor, my best friend...," he sighed. "First Boboiboy Api cuz of too stress. Now what? Boboiboy Taufan cuz of too crazily happy?"

Boboiboy's face soured. "No... not really. Just tired," then he remembered the game of tag. He can't deny that he was having fun on that. "...and maybe I got a bit fun too..."

Gopal snapped his fingers at the former. "See, Ochobot? I think he's still missing on being a hero. Wasn't that therapy with Cikgu Nani enough?"

The former groaned. "If anything, it's my power watch who needs it..."

Because seriously. What was with Tempest's problem on dropping people so randomly?

The yellow Power Sphere let out some sort of noise that akin to a snort. That was enough to make Gopal turn to him and raise an eyebrow.

"Didn't you tell us that you put Boboiboy's watch on lockdown until he fully healed and the watch fixed? So why was he using the winds' power?"

The robot frowned, at least its robotic facial expression on the screen appeared to do so. "That's one of the questions. How can you still use it, Boboiboy? Supposedly, you can't use them due to your watch being damaged. It might also break the powers, too."

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