Chapter 2: Echoes of a Restless Night

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In the shadowed stillness of their room, Oliver's sleep was anything but peaceful. His face, illuminated by the faint moonlight, was contorted in distress. Whispers of a nightmare flickered across his expression – flashes of his mother's indifferent gaze, the overwhelming sense of abandonment, and a suffocating loneliness that seemed to press down on him.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he tossed in his bed, caught in the grip of his fears. Each ragged breath was a struggle, a silent cry for comfort he had never known. His small hands clutched the sheets, knuckles white, as he whimpered softly, a sound of pure, heart-wrenching vulnerability.

Above him, Aria stirred, her sleep disturbed by the faint sounds of distress. As she awoke and realized the source, her heart clenched. She leaned over, her eyes adjusting to the dim light, and what she saw struck her deeply. There, in the shadows, was a small, trembling figure, a child so consumed by fear that it shook her to her core.

"Oliver?" Aria's voice was a whisper, laden with concern. She quickly climbed down from her bunk, her movements swift yet gentle. She reached out, turning on the nightlight, casting a soft, comforting glow in the room.

Seeing him up close, Aria could truly grasp the depth of Oliver's terror. His eyes were wide, glistening with unshed tears, reflecting a pain that was far too intense for someone so young.

"Oliver, it's Aria," she said softly, sitting beside him. "You're not alone anymore. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

His voice trembled as he whispered, "It was about my mom... she didn't... she didn't want me."

Hearing the pain in his words, Aria's maternal instincts surged. She gently lifted Oliver, cradling him in her arms. His body was rigid at first, a stark contrast to the softness with which she held him. Slowly, he relaxed, his face finding comfort in between her breasts.

"This is where you belong, Oliver," Aria whispered, her voice filled with warmth. "Right here, safe with me."

Oliver felt a profound sense of security as he nestled closer, the steady rhythm of Aria's heartbeat beneath his cheek. The warmth of her embrace enveloped him, a cocoon of safety and care that he had longed for.

Aria rocked him gently, her hand stroking his hair. "You are so brave, Oliver, but you don’t have to face it all alone."

Oliver's sobs began to quiet, his tears slowing as her words washed over him. He mumbled, his voice muffled against her, "t-thank you..."

Holding him, Aria felt a profound connection, a protective bond forming between them. She realized in that moment how important this was – not just for Oliver, but for her as well. She was his guardian, his comforter, someone who could offer him the affection he desperately needed.

"I'll always be here. Whenever you're scared, I'll protect you," she promised, her voice a soft vow in the quiet room.

As Oliver's sobs began to quieten in her arms, Aria gently laid down beside him on his bed, still holding him close. She whispered softly, her words a soothing lullaby in the dimly lit room.

"Shhh, it's okay, little one. I'm here for you. I won't let you go," Aria murmured, her voice imbued with tenderness. She felt his grip tighten slightly, a silent acknowledgment of her promise.

Feeling his body gradually relax, she continued, "You can sleep, sweetie. I'll still be here when you wake up. You're safe with me, always."

As she sensed Oliver's lingering fear of the dark, she reassured him, "Shhh, it's okay. That mean nightmare won't disturb you anymore. I'm here to chase it away, to keep you safe."

With a gentle stroke of his hair, Aria added, "I'm here now. Just close your eyes, focus on my heartbeat, on my warmth, and relax, little one. Let my presence be your shelter."

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