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A month passed by, and life was slowly getting monotonous for Aadya, but it was nothing new.

It was depressing before these three months too, so not a big deal; she can handle it.

The only good part of her life is her nights and mornings. Mornings because she prepares breakfast and chai for everyone, and Tanay tells her how yummy the chai is. He also kisses her head every day before leaving the house. And nights because Tanay and Aadya would cuddle all night long, telling each other about their day.

In the evening, around 4 pm, Aadya received a call from Tanay.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

"Hey, Aadya. Did you have lunch?" He asked.

"Yes," she answered, frowning a little because he already knew it; she had told him that over text.

"Okay good. Accha listen, I'll be coming home late today, and I'll have dinner outside with my colleagues, so don't cook for me and don't wait up. I can't say how late it will be."

"O-Okay... Um, why all of a sudden?"

"I'll tell you when I get home. Don't worry, it's good. Nothing bad."

"Okay. Have fun."

"Yeah, bye."

Aadya cooked dinner, told her in-laws that Tanay is not coming home for dinner. She served them first, and after they were done, she cleaned up and ate her food while watching some random YouTube videos.

After that, she washed the utensils and went to her room.

She went to her room and scrolled through her phone all night long, waiting for Tanay. She couldn't sleep anyway.

Somewhere around 12 am, her phone rang. It was Tanay.

"Hello?" She whispered although no one was around to hear her anyway.

"Love, open the door please. I'm outside. I don't wanna ring the bell and wake maa baba up."

"Okay, give me a second." She hung up and walked downstairs.

She slowly opened the door, making sure not to make a sound.

The first thing she saw was a huge bouquet of red roses.


Tanay peeked from behind them and grinned at her. He handed her the bouquet and kissed her lips, loud and firm.

She blinked in surprise.

"Hold this too." He handed her a cuboidal gift box.

"Okay?" She took it.

Tanay lifted her up, all of a sudden, and she yelped out loud.

"Shh." He carried her upstairs to the bedroom.

Once in the room, he closed the door behind him and set her down along with the bouquet and the gift.

He cupped and cradled her face in both his hands and smiled brighter than ever.

"I got the promotion."

"What?!" Aadya's eyes widened in surprise and pure delight. "Oh my god, Tanay! Seriously?"

"Yes." He laughed.

"I'm so happy." She hugged him tight. He hugged her back, just as tight. She pulled back and kissed his lips before hugging him again.

"Come here." They both sat down next to the foot of the bed. Tanay handed her the gift box. "Open it. It's from my boss."

"It's your gift; you should open it," she softly said.

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