he was my bully, but yet...

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"Oh lord... not again...", I thought as I felt myself getting pushed into the janitors closet for the third time this week. I fell on my dumptruck of an ass, bouncing a couple of feet. As I began to stand up, I heard the sound of a lock being clicked. I sighed to myself, knowning I would be here for a while before I would be released. I heard a low chuckle from the other side of the door, "how do you like this you filthy mudblood". I groaned because I recognized the voice, it could only be Draco malfoy, my classmate and tomerntor of years.

Malfie had tortured me for years, ever since I had stepped foot into Hagwarts. He had constantly cut me with his words and hit me with his fists, whenever he got the chance. It was unsettling just how used to his insults and punches I had gotten, now they were just a part of life. An unpleasant part, yet a part nonetheless. Though even more unsettling, was the fact that I didn't know why. Why was I, a normal schoolgirl with good grades, getting hurt by this young man? I didn't know, and had never been brave enough to find out.

In the darkness, I felt around on the floor beside me to see if there was anything I could use to help me get out sooner than later. Eventually I stumbled around to find something what felt somewhat like a key. It must have been a spare because I was able to use the key to unlock the door, and escape my dark prison. As the door opened, I squinted my eyes to look into the hallway of the Slytherin dormitory. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw that I stood alone in the hall.

Cautiously, I creeped closer to my dorm, thinking that I was safe at last, when a grating voice whispered at me from behind my ear. "Now where do you think you're going missy?" Crabbe said, leaning on the doorframe of his and Malfuoys shared dorm. His shirt was off, he had clearly showered recently, and his nipples peeked out at me through teh thick muscle of his abs.

"Ugh, what do you want Crabbe, you know I said I would never sleep with you, so STOP TRYING!", I said, irritated.

"You know how much everyone wants you y/n, it's not fair to the rest of us that you promised to only sleep with your alpha", Crabbe spat at me in a condescending tone.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! Bugger off chum, leave the little mouse alone!" Malfee said, also appearing in the doorway. He was scantily clad, his muscular frame only covered by a thin towel, which was wrapped around his prominent hips. His wet hair was smothed back from his forehead, dripping big fat ugly drops of water onto the floor. I blushed a little and averted my eyes, too shy to look at his Greek god-like body.

- time skip cus I'm lazy ;-; -

I was sitting under a tree, reading materials for my next class: potions and magic when I felt a shadow looming over my (hair color) hair. It was Crabbe. "Look up beach", growled his musky manly voice. The putrid smell of axe antiperspirant filled my nostrils, leaveing me with a burning sensation on my nostril hairs.

"Ugh Crabbe, we've been over this!!! F#¤% off!!", I screamed.

Crabbe giggled "Just wait... you'll want me to be around you alllllll the time when I'm done with you y/n" I rolled me eyes and replied "sureee" in a sarcastic voice. I was just about to throw hands and show him who's boss, when a tall lanky figure appproached behind Crabbe. Suddenly a hand clasped over Crabbes shoulder and pulling him away from me. "Hear ye, whatchuthinkyadoing pal?". I would recognize that sultry voice anywhere, it was Drac malfo. "Leave her alone, we need to get to class Crab.", Drack spat. They walked off to class, leaving me all alone, until I realized it was a class that we shared, so I skuttled my way over to class.

- in potions class (; -

Snape drawled on, and on, and on for sooo long about the importance of safety in the lab, so much so, that I was about to doze off. He then told us our assignment and gave us 15 minutes to make a potion of our choice, and not doing so would result in a failing grade. Just as I was thinking about which potion to choose, Crabe stood up and approached my cauldron with a devilish smirk on his hideous face. He looked as though he was hiding something behind his massive horizontally cahllanged self. I was confused, but decided to ignore it. After all, Crabbe, Malfey and the rest of their gang were always finding some way to pick on me, it had gotten boring. Now, I just ignored all the endless taunts and jabs coming my way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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