♛ Betrayal ♛

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𝄃  "I, Princess Aster Winter d'Algernon, declare you, Katarina Merikh, a traitor to this country and a betrayer of the royal family." Her voice was as cold as ice, her eyes two chips of flint boring into the traitor.

The palace courtiers gasped in astonishment, murmuring in hushed voices, as the news reverberated throughout the gilded throne room.

The golden chamber, normally filled with idle gossip and frivolous laughter, fell into stunned silence.

Even the princess's most faithful advisors appeared taken aback, exchanging worried glances as they processed this unexpected turn of events.

Katarina's eyes glinted with malice as she gazed upon the princess. A cruel smile spread across her face, and she let out a sinister cackle that sent chills down the princess's spine.

"You make me sound like a villain," Katarina said with a mocking laugh, her eyes glinting mischievously. 

" How dare she laugh at the princess?"  Baron VonnAgné thundered, his face turning crimson with rage.
His hands balled into fists, and his entire body trembled with fury as he glared daggers at the impudent woman.

With a cold indifference, Katarina turned her gaze away from the short man's furious outburst, fixing her eyes once more upon the princess.

Though his shrill voice grated at her ears, she refused to acknowledge his existence, deeming him unworthy of her attention. Her icy stare remained locked on the princess, narrow and calculating.

Despite Winter's criticisms, she remained unmoved.
"Oh, come on," she scoffed with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Winter, you know everything you just said is complete nonsense."

"Silence, you impudent worm!" Lord Asthen roared, his face contorting in fury. "You dare speak the Princess's name with your filthy tongue? Know your place, peasant! To even think yourself worthy of addressing the Princess is an insult beyond measure. I should cut out your insolent tongue and feed it to the hounds for your audacity!"

The lord trembled with rage, his hand twitching towards the hilt of his sword. His eyes were wild, and his nostrils flared.

It was taking every ounce of restraint not to draw his blade and cleave the impudent human in two. How dare this lowly creature show such blatant disrespect for royalty.

" Lord Asthen, please calm down," the princess spoke gently, her voice barely above a whisper. She reached out with a trembling hand and laid it softly upon his, which grasped the hilt of his sword. 

Princess Winter's heart sank as she gazed at her beloved Katarina. A lump formed in her throat, making it difficult to speak. 

"I can not ignore the damning proof laid bare before the court, sealing your betrayal."
Katarina's eyes widened in bewilderment. What evidence? she thought, her mind spinning with questions.
What were they talking about?

The princess stood tall, her voice booming with authority as she declared, "We have a witness!" She raised her chin, eyes flashing as she barked her next order. "Let him in at once!" The guards scrambled to obey, intimidated by her commanding presence.

The immense doors to the throne room swung open, revealing a humble young man. He bowed deeply before the princess and her royal court, showing the utmost respect. His gaze turned to the accused girl, his eyes filled with fake compassion for her situation.

"Your Highness, I am the one who witnessed this woman heinous crime!" The boy 's finger shot out like an arrow, piercing Katarina where she stood.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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