❦Let's go outside❦

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When Jimin gazed at the girl before her, a strange ringing filled her head. "Unless you're into that sort of thing" played over and over again in her mind, like a broken record stuck on repeat.

What was the girl talking about? When the ringing began to grow louder, Jimin was left confused by the girl's perplexing words as it drowned out all other thoughts.

Aeri pulled back her hand with uncertainty. "Did I mess this up?" she asked herself, anxiety creeping into her thoughts.

She mentally scolded herself, "Well, this is not how you want to begin a new friendship." Aeri's stomach churned with worry.

What if she had completely ruined her chances before she even got started? She took a shaky breath, trying to calm her racing mind.

Aeri knew she tended to overthink things, but she desperately hoped she hadn't already sabotaged this potential friendship.

She just wanted to make a good impression, but now Aeri was filled with dread that her awkwardness had ruined everything before it even began.

"Come on, Aeri, you can do this," Aeri whispered under her breath as she reached out her hand once more, hope shining in her eyes.

"What do you say we head outside for some fresh air?" she suggested gently, a touch of wistful longing in her tone.

Jimin's eyes bore into Aeri in a strange, unsettling way. Her gaze was intense yet vacant, as if she was looking through Aeri's very soul.

A chill went down Aeri's spine under the weight of that ominous stare. Though Jimin expression was blank, she could sense something brooding behind those dark, fathomless eyes.


Why would a stranger want to talk to her so suddenly?
Then, ask her to go outside and have fun with her.

Why was this stranger so eager to chat with her out of the blue? This girl's invitation to go out and enjoy the day seemed to come out of nowhere.

She exhaled deeply, letting her worries drift away.

With tentative curiosity, Jimin's hand inched forward until her fingertips brushed against Aeri's palm.
She moved as if wading through deep waters, taking care to not startle what lay beneath the surface. Each motion was slow and deliberate as Jimin allowed their hands to meet in the softest of touches.

Aeri flinched as Jimin's frigid hand unexpectedly grazed hers. She shivered, the icy touch sinking into her core, mirroring the cold emptiness that seemed to emanate from Jimin.
Why did her hand feel like she had just pulled it out of a snowbank?

She gently brushed her fingers against her friend's hand, like a feather alighting upon a flower petal.

Aeri's voice was gentle and soothing as she looked at her new friend. "It's alright," she said, a calm smile spreading across her face.

Clasping her friend's hand tenderly, she gave a soft, reassuring squeeze, a wordless message of warmth and comfort.
Her touch was light yet full of meaning, speaking volumes in the simple contact of skin upon skin.

Jimin gently squeezed Aeri's hand back and gave it a squeeze in return.
She could feel Aeri's warm touch.
It was as if Aeri's warm touch conveyed a sense of trust and protection, as if it was a silent promise reassuring Jimin that everything would be alright as long as they stuck together.

Just this once.

Aeri flashed another  smile that was as warm and reassuring as a freshly baked cookie. Unfortunately, it did little to soothe Jimin, who still looked like a squirrel who'd just seen a hawk circling overhead.

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