comfort nursing

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content warning - this imagine contains detailed depictions of age regression breastfeeding. billie takes hormone pills to produce breastmilk, in case you were confused.

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billie stood at the kitchen counter, attempting to get dinner started but, y/n was making it difficult for her.

she sat at her feet, screaming and tugging at billie's pants, practicality climbing up her legs.

"honey, mama is trying to make dinner. why don't you go do some coloring or play with your stacking cups?" billie suggests.

"w-w-wan up, mama" y/n chokes over her tears.

billie decides dinner will have to wait; there was no way y/n was going to settle on her own, and she didn't want her to make herself sick with all the crying.

billie hooks her hands under y/n's arms and lifts her up. immediately, her little hand slips down billie's shirt, innocently caressing her bare chest.

"boobie" y/n insists, her eyes brimming with tears.

"okay, baby, okay" billie hushes.

billie gets into a comfortable position on the couch, adjusting the boppy pillow underneath y/n's petite frame.

billie gets into a comfortable position on the couch, adjusting the boppy pillow underneath y/n's petite frame

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billie pulls her shirt up, freeing her breast. she had neglected a bra, as it had just become inconvenient due to y/n nursing so often lately.

y/n was opting for billie's breast instead of her bottle, so much so that billie's milk supply had doubled and her breasts were tender. she would have to start pumping soon.

billie was unsure if y/n was actually hungry or just nursing for comfort, but either way, it helped relieve the engorgement of her breasts and provided y/n with lots of nutrients.

y/n connects her pouty lips to billie's nipple, getting a nice, successful latch.

she begins to suckle slowly as she gently pinches and rolls the soft skin of billie's breast between her little fingers.

y/n had a habit of playing with billie's breast while she nursed, but billie didn't mind as it didn't hurt, it just tickled slightly.

"what is going on in that little head of yours, hm, my love?" billie asks, stroking y/n's forehead with the pad of her thumb.

y/n's glossy eyes stare up at billie as she gulps and lets out little snorts, stray droplets of milk dribbling down her chin.

"does that feel better, bubby?" billie asks, using her shirt to wipe the milk away.

y/n contently hums her reply as her little belly fills with sweet, warm milk from her mama, her favourite form of comfort.

y/n's drowsy eyes grow increasingly heavy, eventually falling shut as her breathing pattern changes and her grip on billie's breast softens.

the silence is dense and sacred as billie slowly eases her nipple from y/n's mouth, bracing herself for possible tears.

y/n groans and grabs a handful of billie's breast, tugging it towards her mouth, only to latch onto her nipple again.

y/n was not the most gentle nurser, although she did not mean to be rough.

"oh, gentle with mama, darling" billie reminds y/n, her tone still friendly and calm.

y/n rubs her tiny hand across billie's chest, soothing herself with the touch of billie's skin. y/n was a very tactile baby; she loved skin to skin.

"mama is going to switch you to my other boobie now, okay" billie informs y/n, so she won't have a fit.

billie repositions y/n on her other side, y/n's mouth already open, eager to accept billie's nipple.

"here you go, sweet girl" billie coos, presenting her other breast to y/n.

y/n attaches herself once again, and she begins to suckle and make smacking noises as she drinks.

"gosh, you're such a loud drinker" billie laughs, lightly tickling y/n's side.

a tiny sleepy giggle escapes y/n, muffled by billie's breast that was still in her mouth.

"close those tired eyes, angel" billie lulls, running her fingers through y/n's head of long curls.

billie's hand moves down to pat y/n's little diapered bottom, the motion causing her eyes to become heavy for the second time.

y/n's eyes fully close, and her suckling slows down, but billie continues patting her, waiting until she enters a deeper sleep to unlatch her.

billie holds her breath as she carefully removes her nipple from y/n's mouth and pulls her shirt back down.

y/n purses her lips, milk all around her mouth, as soft, tiny snores escape her.

her baby was completely out to the count this time, and most definitely milk drunk.

"god, you're cute" billie whispers, smiling to herself.

luckily, y/n's binky was within reach, so billie takes it and gently brushes it against her lips. y/n takes it into her mouth, instantly suckling on it.

billie cautiously shifts y/n off of her and lays her down on the couch on her tummy, her preferred sleeping position, with her head resting on the boppy pillow

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billie cautiously shifts y/n off of her and lays her down on the couch on her tummy, her preferred sleeping position, with her head resting on the boppy pillow.

"you better sleep long enough for me to make dinner, little monkey" billie says quietly, pressing a delicate kiss to y/n's cheek before draping her blankie over her.

"you better sleep long enough for me to make dinner,  little monkey" billie says quietly, pressing a delicate kiss to y/n's cheek before draping her blankie over her

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billie returns to the kitchen, quickly trying to get dinner done before y/n wakes up and requests more "boobie".

however, she truly did enjoy nursing her baby. she adored feeling so close and connected to her, and she loved when y/n would look up at her with so much fondness in her eyes and stop suckling momentarily to flash her a little smile.

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hopefully this didn't make anyone uncomfortable (i'm sorry if it did 🥴)

i am a bit nervous to publish this one eek

- violet ୨୧

୨୧ billie's baby; age regression imagines ୨୧Where stories live. Discover now