♡~spying two-faces~♡

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As I was just laying there an alarm beeped

Female Announcer: Please enter through the gates and make your way to the individualization scanners.

We all got up and walked to somewhere

Male Announcer: Welcome to the Institute of Perfection. Here, you'll become the best doll you can be. We will help you grow from pretty to perfect. But only after you successfully pass the final challenge we call "The Gauntlet". Can you proceed to the Big World?

I see a blank doll walk inside the scanner and the scanner says

Scanner: Your name is Meghan. You're a lawyer/model.

"Objection, your honor!" She walks away happily and then I see another blank doll walk in the scanner

Scanner: Your name is Michael. You're an engineer/model.

"I'm an individual. Exactly like the rest of you." Michael walks away

I then walk in the scanner not really caring then

Scanner: your name is misaki. You're a two-faced/human/model/singer/artist

Whoa that was a bit too much for me...
Then when I walk out I turn back to see this pink thing walk in the scanner

Scanner: You are not a model. Data does not compute. I-I...Tell mt family I love them!

Those things walk out the scanner and everyone-

Perfect Dolls: (screaming)

"Ah, must be a customary greeting here." The bat looking thing screamed
The blonde doll screams "Ohh..." then she fainted

"Hola, mi amor. ¿Tú vienes aquí mucho?" (Translated in Spanish: Has not been comfired?)The Meghan girl sighs as she says

"Hard pass." To the cat looking thing "Damn got dumped when they just got there" "I guess she's not billingual, that was my best line."

The cat looking thing looks at the one with a chief's apron but they just sigh "another swing, another miss" as walk away from the cat looking thing

Perfect Doll #1: These skirts look so pretty on us.

The chief apron doll: But are they absorbent?

Female Dolls: Ew!

Every doll that looks different from the others go back to the pink one as the pink one says "Just imagine, Uglies. "
'hm? Uglies?' I thought as she continued "All our dreams are waiting for us right through here. Nothing. And I mean nothing is gonna stop us now."

I tilted my head in confusion "huh?"
"Eww. What are those?" The pink haired girl said in disgusted

"Is that supposed to be some kind of dog?" The purple one said "lou is so not gonna like this." The blue one replied

'Lou?' I thought

"Definitely not. He'll be like, (she imitates Lou's voice) "I do not like this. Ew, ew, ew"." "Oh, my gosh, Kitty! That's such a good Lou impression."

The blue one said 'Kitty? So that's her name" I observed kitty "I know, right?"

hey then look at the girl that had a bun "Uh, I know too. Right?"

She said unsure but then a boy with muti color eyes and hair came up to them which I thought he was cute for a second before he spoke

"Uh, excuse me, girls. Uh, who's Lou?" His voice was even cuter "Who's Lou?" Were you born yesterday!?" The boy replied with "Um, yes?"

I could see he was trying to hide the embarrassment but then the girls said Tuesday, Kitty & Lydia: Look, listen, and learn.

Perfect Dolls: Lou! Lou! Lou!

Tuesday: I love you, Lou!

Male Doll: Freebird!

Word count: 575

♡~a humanlike dolly Accomplice~♤Where stories live. Discover now