إنتقاء selection

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-لماذا لم تعد تقضي الوقت مع صديقك ذاك كأنك ابتعدت عنه عمداً؟

: اجل انه رفيق سوء لم اعد اريده بعد الان

- ما تقوله غريب، انه شخص طيب ومراعي للجميع وكلنا نشهد له بذلك ونحترمه ونحبه ولم نرى منه شيئًا مخالفاً لذلك، ام هل حدث خلاف بينكما؟

: لا ما ذال يبتسم لي حتى هذا الصباح كما رأيت بنفسك

- اذاً كيف لشخص طيب مثله ان تعتبره رفيق سوء؟

: لانه يساعدني ويدعمني كثيراً

- لقد قلتها بنفسك، وهل هذا شئ سئ؟!

: يشري لي احياناً السجائر التي احبها ، يستمع معي لموسيقاي ويستمتع بها وينصحني ببعضها ،
يصطحبني في عطلات مختلطه ليجعلني اتعرف على احداهن لعلي ارتبط ، يدعمني بشراء الكحول وينصحني ببعض الافلام ، محافظ على صلاته تماماً ولا يفوت فريضه على خلافي ،

-لم افهم! انه شخص لامع على حسب وصفك ما مشكلتك؟

: ورغم كل هذا فالابتسامة لا تفارق محياه وكأنه لم يفعل شيئاً سيئاً وانه مستمتع بما يفعله، انه حقاً اسوء رفيق سوء، وبما انك لا تفهم كلامي اظن انك ايضاً خيار سئ، حسناً وداعاً لك ايضاً...

-Why do you no longer spend time with that friend of yours, as if you deliberately stayed away from him?

: Yes, he is a bad companion, I don't want him anymore

- What you say is strange. He is a good person and considerate to everyone, and we all bear witness to that, respect him, and love him, and we have not seen anything from him that contradicts that. Or did a dispute occur between you?

: No, he is still smiling at me even this morning, as you saw for yourself

- Then how can a good person like him be considered a bad companion?

: Because he helps and supports me a lot

- You said it yourself, and is this a bad thing?!

: He sometimes buys me cigarettes that I like, listens to my music and enjoys it, and recommends some to me.
He takes me on mixed holidays to get me to know one of them so that I might have a relationship. He supports me by buying alcohol and recommending some movies to me. He maintains his prayers completely and does not miss his religious duties, unlike me.

-I didn't understand! He's a brilliant person, according to your description. What's your problem?

: Despite all this, the smile does not leave his face as if he did not do anything bad and he enjoys what he is doing. He is truly the worst companion, and since you do not understand my words, I think that you are also a bad choice. Well, goodbye to you as well...

انسان ام مخزن ديناميت Human? Or dynamite Store حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن