chapter 7 | Repeat the Betrayal

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(𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯)

after we sat back down, suddenly out of nowhere I would hear Diego looks over at Cole and asks him a question

"Yo, so you went crazy right?" He said, Cole was mumbling and I was rolling my eyes at Diego. What does this dumbass thinks he is doing? Does he want Cole to suspect? I tried to calm things down.

"Diego, shut up leave him alone" I said to Diego and then boom boom and Diego continued,

"Was it all true? the blood mix and the killers?"
Diego asked as boom boom opened her lighter as she was excited for Cole's answer.
I looked over at Cole and asked him

"Want something to drink?" I asked him and before he could answer I would get up and get a wine to get him to pass out so we could get his blood.

"I- well it never actually got to mixing the
blood-" Cole replied and Diego kept asking questions.
"is it true that you killed them all?" He asked and I had it with Diego. He was ruining my whole plan.

"Enough!" I yelled and turned around to them

"Cole didn't come up to this trip to talk about some blood cult or the devil's Book, can we please just change the subject?" I said clearly as they all nodded. Suddenly Cole was looking over to me and asked

"How did you know?" He asked me
"How do I know what?" I said, he was suspecting me I tried to get away from that.
"The devil's book, you just said the devil's book" he pointed out.
"Yes, and?" I asked acting all confused what does he mean
"I never told you about the book" he said and I was realising I was screwed, he DID never told me about it.

"Yeah Cole, you did" I told him back and turned around over at the picture of the pirate with the hook at the wall on the boat, I was hoping I was saved and not being screwed up

"Melanie.." he said and I sighed I guess we will have to kill boom boom now so u started to untie the hook from the picture.

"You're being ridiculous.." I said and fake chuckled and kept trying to untie it as I finally succeeded.

"Melanie..?" He said again and I turned around to him
"How did you know about the book..?" He asked again and I smiled at him.

"Because I signed my name in it Cole"

I smiled and immediately cleared my smile away and grabbed the hook and bend over to boom boom since she was still seating, and pulling the hook in front of her neck and wipe her neck with the hook so it would slit her neck open and kill her, it silted her neck open but she didn't died yet, she was dripping blood around everywhere especially over at Diego's face, she had a shock face on her face as she was trying to speak which she couldn't , I looked at Cole. He was  shocked , I never seen someone so shocked before. he was falling back away from boom boom as she was falling down , offically dead. I got up and dropped down the hook.

"I made the same deal" I added and he was looking shocked at me.

"Melanie you killed her!" Cole yelled at me in fear, he obviously was shocked pretty sure he was still not believing I actually did it!

"I thought we were gonna wait to do this at the bathtub not at my face!" Diego complained, as his face was full of boom-booms blood.

"Calm down, you guys knew she had to die so we could mix the bloods" I told to them. They obviously couldn't make so many noises.

"She didn't have to die over this carpet! My uncle is gonna kill me!" Jimmy complained and I rolled my eyes.

"B-but but boom boom was your friend!" Cole mumbled to us, I was about to reply but then Diego cutted me off.

"Fuck boom boom, she made fun of my hair."

"Diego wasn't supposed to ask Cole a million fucking questions." I said and glared at Diego as to clear it was his fault.

"Don't judge me for my over curiosity" he said and sighed

"Well moving on... mix the blood of the sacrifice , and the blood of the innocent. That how that works Cole" I said and smirked evily at him.

"You were supposed to take your meds and drink up the wine and pass out so we could take your blood!" Jimmy yelled at Cole , I noticed he was about to add something but I didn't cared, I cutted him off

"Which you didn't!! So now we'll have to take your blood, and then kill you" I said with a fake pitty face at Cole.

"See Cole? You're not crazy" I said and chuckled evily.

"You... you guys are in the same cult.." he mumbled as he tried to crawl back to exist but then I saw someone walked in.

"Oh! let's go Cole!" He said and blocked Cole from exist, he had a dark brown hair and blue eyes, he was shirtless for some reason. I assumed it was max just a wild guess..

"No no no no.." Cole mumbled
"Yes , yes yes yes" max mocked him.
"How are you alive?" Cole yelled and asked.
"How much of blood of him do we need? Can I just rip of his limp? What hand do you use to jerk with I'll take the other one." He said and evily smiled
God that dude is a psycho, but who am I to talk?

Cole was crawling back away from max and got up and was about to exist from the other door until someone else appeared infont of him

"Hey Cole what is up?" He asked sarcastically, he was black skinned, he didn't have much of hair, and wore a red suit, I assumed this was John since the other one was max.

"You okay? You look like you seen a gorgeous black ghost, but I ain't Casper I'll rack your shit. Boo!" He laughed evily. John wasn't that scary as max but I just went along with it, I just told myself it's okay to know the old demons.

Cole kept running toward the window and then some girl popped out from there.

"Missed me?" She had brown eyes and she was ginger. Her outfit was kinda slutty and all yellow with little bit of blue. I couldn't tell if that was Allison or Sonia. That girl crawled in the boat from the window as Cole ran away and tripped and fell. The girl was turning herself and getting up and setting her really slutty looking yellow top.

"Don't worry guys I'm okay."
She said and smiled.
"I- I watched your head explode!" Cole said in fear. Gee how brutal their kills were last time?

"Well luckily the devil gives good head" she said sarcastically.

"I watched you die I watched you all die!" Cole said and yelled at them 3
"We are dead, duh!" The ginger girl said
"Yo where is Sonia ?" John asked, that answered my question. The ginger girl was Allison only Sonia didn't showed up yet.
"Yeah where is this sexy psychopath?" Allison asked

"I'm here, getting cookies" Sonia walked from the front entrance. She had a black straight hair with pony. Brown eyes and black dress as she was holding a plate of cookies.

"Great, we can get things started" max said and then added
"You guys brought anything to tie him up with?" He asked us, as in me , Jimmy and Diego

"Sure did bro" Jimmy said and grabbed a decorating rope, which wasn't helpful at all. I glared at it and at him. What the actual fuck Jimmy?

"Jimmy, you were supposed to get a real rope you fucking idiot" I told him as max nodded with me.

"But there was a decorating store so much closer to my house."  He said and I rolled my eyes

"Wait wait why are even tie him up why can't we just kill him?" Allison sighed and asked

"We have to wait until the ceremony so we can mix the bloods and then we can kill him" I answered her, clearly I did my researchers more, I looked at Allison as she sighed, I wouldn't blame her tho.

Everyone were arguing until Cole suddenly picked up the hook and threatens with it at us, obviously none of us cared, it was 7 against 1.
He was keep threatening it at us until I suddenly heared knocks on the door from outside. Shit who was there? I turned around immediately...

Okay this was kinda long but I hope you liked it :))
I been honestly waiting so hard to do Melanie's pov on this scene!!

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