the aquarium date

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it was a cold December day in canda. the date was 12.11.06. snow was falling softly on the ground. Paul was planning on getting a girl more around Christmas. but for now , he was being somewhat kind to Karla. she was just reading a book wit their dog buddy by her side in the living room whenever Paul walked in. 

"hey , princess. wanna go to the aquarium together ?" Karla was suprised by this. "y-you mean it?" "of course I mean it , princess." "w-wow ok um...well , thanks , king. where is it tho ? there are no aquariums in Scarborough or St. Catharine's right ?" "no. we're going to Toronto. its a little more then an hours drive. ill drive there and you're gonna drive back."  "yes Paul..." "k. get ready and be in the car in 5. ill go warm it up for me." {I dont deserver any heat ?} Karla thought. she didn't complain in her head too much tho becuse Paul was being sweet enough to do this !! she put her book aside and put on a blue turtleneck (turtleneck to cover the bruises on her neck from Paul) and a pair of low rise jeans wit black boots. she curled her bangs and put on some blue earrings. {blue is my colour.} she thought. {it really brings out the colour in my eyes and makes them pop !! also perfect for an aquarium.}

soon , she went outside and gotten on their car. a tan Nissan 240sx. she shuddered a bit as she remembered how they kidnapped Kaitlyn in it. "ready to go kar ?" Paul asked.  "yes Paul..." Karla quietly answered. and so , Paul started riving toward Toronto. he turned on the radio and Karla looked out the window the whole time. 

about halfway , Paul stopped at a gas station to get gas and go to the bathroom. "do you have to go to the bathroom ?" he asked Karla. "yes Paul..." "k then go !!" he shoved her toward the door. "u-um can I get a snack maybe ?" "really ? no  !! you're already fat !! and ugly...and stupid..." Karla blinked back the tears that threatened to mist her eyes. "yes Paul..." she quickly went in the gas station and walked into the bathroom to cry. 

afterwards , she walked out and washed her hands. {I'm really hungry.} she thought. she looked around the gas station , there was no 1 in sight and the cashier wasn't in her line of vision. there was only 1 camera , and it pointed toward the beer. {forgive me , lord} she thought as she grabbed a granola bar and stuffed it in her pocket before quickly leaving the gas station.

Paul , already having paid for his gas , was waiting for her in the car. "took you long enough , bitch !!" he said , smacking her. she yelped , a bit startled. "I'm s-sorry , Paul." "yeah , you are sorry. whatever , lets just go." and they were on their way once again.

about 15 minnets later , Karla slowly pulled out her granola bar. "where the fuck did you get that?" Paul immediately demanded. "i-i brought it from home..." Karla lied. "oh yeah ? sense when do we have granola bars at home ?" Karla immediately thought of something else. "well , actually , now that I think about it , a co - worker at the vet clinic given it to me." "oh. k." Karla sighed in relief and started eating it. 

it was surprisingly filling , and Karla was thankful for that. on the nights whenever Paul was nasty , he'd throw her down the root cellar stairs and it was awful down there. he usually did it at least once a month but it was very cold down there in the winter becuse they lived in Canada , so the winters were very cold. and there was no food , water , toilet , pillow or blanket. 1 time she found a dead rat which really grossed her out , and there was broken glass scattered throughout from when Paul broken the lightbulb in there. she was used to getting her feet cut.

eventually , they arrived at the aquarium. the car ride hadn't been too bad besides the gas station incident. "yay !! I'm so exited , Paul !!" Paul smiled a bit. "I'm glad , princess." "come on , lets go in." and so , they walked in holding hands even tho Paul gripped hers a bit too tightly. 

thankfully , it was not too busy. Paul went up to the front desk and asked for 2 adult tickets. it was  200 Canadian dollers !! Paul gladly paid tho. between his job as an accountant and Karla's as a vet over in St. Catharine's , they made plenty. 

within the next 2 hours , Paul and Karla looked at tons of animals. Turtles , so many kinds of fish, mini sharks , and Karla's favorite , jellyfish.

the car ride home was fine , but Karla was hungry again. she decided that she whold wait until they gotten back to the house. "did you have a good time ?" Paul demanded. "yes Paul..." Karla said quietly , but earnestly. "good. I didn't waste $200 for nothing !!" Karla said nothing for the rest of the car ride and surprisingly , neither did Paul. just the radio played quietly in the background.

whenever they gotten home , it was almost evening. Buddy jumped up on Karla's chest. "hey , buddy !!" she said happily. 

Paul huffed and went to their room. Karla taken a shower (but did not scrub her hair and face ferociously) afterwards , she blow dried her fluffy blonde hair and put on some pajamas. she was gonna have some warm tea and read. "Paul ?" she called out. he was not home. {he must have gone out. hopefully not to get a girl...}

it was 9 : 30 pm whenever Paul finally came home. Karla was just about to reluctantly go to bed. "where have you been ?" she asked in a tone that was not quite friendly , but she knew better then to be unfriendly. "I just raped a girl." Karla closed her eyes sadly and shaken her head. she had nothing to say. she walked off to bed. "come to bed , honey....please Paul ?" "later , bitch !!" "o-ok , king..." she held a teddy bear that Paul had gotten her for valentines day last year and fell asleep. 

eventually , Paul joined her in bed.

he held her loosely and Paul woken up to the warm sun on her face the next morning. who knew what to-day whold bring...

R.I.P. Tammy Homolka forever 15 LLT 12.24.90

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