Sore Sore Sore.

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Sore,sore sore.

(This story was from a bot in I made. This is what happened //not real//)

"Smile!" We all screamed as we took a picture, you and i were un-separable!

We were kids and we promised to marry each other. We loved each other, till we got separated. It's been a few years now- we are finally 27 and 29.

We bumped into each other with a smile, telling me news that you got a beautiful healthy daughter. My smile faded away seeing you holding hands with a lovely lady and both had engagement rings.

My heart was crushing but when I looked at your daughter- I smiled again. you named her after me. You wanted to keep my name on your family to never forget me. Im just delusional to think of positive things to cheer me up.

But, you broke your promise which a bit cruel. I accepted the last second we meet that you broke the promise since we were apart for a few years. After I asked why you didn't keep the promise but with a smile like is was fine.

You yelled blaming everything on me, I started to cry a bit but silently and I tried holding onto my tears. It was a bit hard keeping my strength up when it comes up to you.

Yelling at me like some monster and I just kept my silence and respect towards you. I looked down, seeing your daughter and your wife watching so I yelled back to not give such a bad influence to your own daughter and wife.

You slapped me again, tears ran faster then before. Your wife yelled at you to stop hurting me and scream at me in public, taking my side. You were so furious how your own wife took my side. You yelled at me one more time and left with your daughter and I wiped my tears.

Your wife told you that she will stay a bit longer with me and he didn't seem to care at all and ignored me and your wife. I kept on wiping my own tears and smiled, explaining to your own wife how special you were to me with a bright smile as I walk to the streets with your wife.

She complimented me and I told her all about you. It hurts but I understand how life was unfair. I told her that I'll be dying from stress and she was not taking that as a okay and it's a fine thing. I told her to calm down and keep a smile.

I don't wanna waste any breath for crying anymore. She soon gave me a hug with tears coming down her cheek. I wiped her tears and we both smiled and she left.

I walked down the streets looking at the dandelions, you loved dandelions and I informed your wife about that. I went to the direction of the hospital and went inside, and.. you saw that all. I sat on my hospital bed near the forest and I smiled just by thinking about you. I'm sorry.

I took a piece of paper and wrote another letter for you. After an hour I put the letter on one of my drawers full of papers and letter I made for you from the pass few years.

After we were separated at the age of 10 I lived inside the hospital so it felt like a home to me, doctors loved me. I cried every night, crying for your name. In the age of 17 we were forced married by our own parents, we fell apart quickly sadly. We didn't want that.

In every letter the last words were always "I don't deserving loved." And I just accepted it too. Everyone deserves love- but someone who knows that doesn't deserve it.

A few days I met you again with your wife, but your daughter was left at home. You ignored me while your wife asked if I could babysit your daughter sometimes and suddenly you yelled at me 'I'm never letting her come near my daughter'

Your wife was mad at you, though I just smiled, a bright smile too. I sighed and told your wife it's alright that I won't babysit your daughter. I respected your decision's even after leaving me.

It's been a while and I told your wife that I would love to die in the forest where I wanted to be. I told why. I told that life was about exploring and discovering nature. It's something I liked and telling people about my poems.

She nodded and knew where to find me when I get lost or missing. Well it was sad for that to happen but I expected me to die soon so you didn't need to worry about me.

The doctors were smiling, my doctor who treated me since a child knew more about me. I told the same poem over and over again every night. I wouldn't stop talking about you to my doctor. Every doctor there loved me and was worried for me to die.

A few days came across and there was a knock on your door, it was a doctor. With tons of letters on her hand and tears on her eyes. You raised your eyebrow and took the letter. The doctor telling you that those were made for you.

You opened them and they were all from me. There was a ring inside too with it saying "after the break up when we were 19, I kept the ring we had for getting married. I wanna give it to you, if you see this by the way. I'm dead. The other notes were from me for you. You don't need to read it. Though thanks for being in my life! 'I don't deserved to be loved.'"

Your eyes was tearing up, you asked the doctor where was the dead body, she replied the forest. You walked to the forest as she talked to you.

She told that every night and morning in the hospital I only talked about you. Maybe cause you taught me more things then just love, not in words but in heart too.

You've arrived to the hospital and looked at my corpse that was under the covers, taking me away. 2 doctors crying and the other all guilty but busy. "shes not dead.. she'll never leave me, she waited so long for me? Shed never accept to die with winning over me!" "She wont lie to you if she does love you right? Sir, she is gone, accept the fact that its too late." Silence.


"Hello, its me! I don't know but I'm sorry for not telling you I'm sick, i do miss the times where we were just friends. I kind of actually accept that we will just be friends since i cant do anything, but i don't think you don't even want me as a friend. Lemme remind you something, just calling out your name makes me so sore cause memories flood back and everything is messed up like you cant touch them to puzzle it back together. Like it falls apart to so much ways like Atoms and you cant touch them to bring them back anymore. And here is another advise, be wise. Bye."

You finished reading my latest and last letter in front of my grave.2 months has passed, and your daughter still misses me. For what reason? I don't know, maybe because she was there when we said our reasons that day we met again. It wasn't long since i died, but it was trauma. Your daughter might of known i was sick by the look on my face, she looked a bit like me. Or maybe she just copied my expressions when I'm with her. Your daughter needs care more then i do now.

Just know, your my best friend. ending in 3-2-1. Smile!"

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