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I held on to Grandpa Blake like a kid at the candy factory even though I knew I was much too old for that treatment. I had expected Mr. Foster to come rushing out like a dragon with a heart condition but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Grandpa had taken care of him, a part of me would really love that to be true, plus it would be fun to see that geezer tied up in the boys' bathroom struggling with an invisible chain.

Speaking of Grandpa Blake, I find it kinda weird that he knew my school is, not to mention the fact that I even had detention. Of course, he had just saved me from an untimely death from Roy's hand and even freed me Mr. Foster's 'This will surely make you wanna commit suicide' detention but still, there's just something fishy about the way he keeps intervening in my situations.

The elderly Sanders was putting on a blue suit and matching trousers, combed his hair in the 'good American man' style and also had a cane which he obviously did not need, guess he's opting for the businessman look over the 'I just got back from the past' rich man wizard outfit he had on yesterday.

As we got out of the school, I thanked him for the help and was about to ride my bike back home when he offered me a ride home in his vintage limousine.

"It'd be my pleasure to take you home, Troy", he said to me, what almost appeared to be pleading in his eyes.

"Sure, Blake", I replied after a while of thinking about it, "Thank you".

Truth be told, I had no intention of saying no in the first place, I mean, who ever declines a ride in a vintage limo?

Getting in, I waved at Roy who could only at him from afar with his mouth wide open in surprise, how I wish the other kids could see me right now? Anyway, Roy saw me and for now, that'll have to do.

We rode for some minutes before Blake spoke up again. "I've discussed your science project with Mr. Foster", he said, "And he has agreed to reconsider the failing grade he gave you, safe to say you'll be graduating high school this summer without any incident".

"Thanks", I replied again for the gazillionth time that day, it was the only thing I could say, although I've got to add that it's starting to become really unsettling with the way he seemed to make a hobby out of solving my problems. Don't get me wrong, I love that he's really helping but I only just met the guy— Surely I have a reason to be cautious, right?

Anyway, seeing that grandpa and I were already having a discussion, I decided to give my response concerning the pending issue there and then.

"I've decided to give in to your demand and attend the Firewalt school of magic", I said to him, really sure that it's the right thing now that I said it.

"Splendid, Troy", he replied, smiling contentedly, "But I do hope that you didn't agree just so that you can hurt people like that Roy character?"

"It's because I don't want to hurt people like him that I agreed", I returned.

"But the deal remains the same", I quickly added, "One year and if I don't like it, I won't have to go again".

"Agreed", he replied as he shook my hands, the car arriving at the house then.

He got of the car with me, walked me to the front door before kissing my forehead.

"Greet Samantha for me", he said as he walked back to the car and drove away.

It took me a moment to realize that he had called Mom by her full name. It had been a long time since anyone had called her that, she went by 'Sam' now. Now, I'm more convinced without a doubt, Blake Sanders had known about my existence for a long time before yesterday. But the pressing question remains, why had it taken him seventeen years to show up in my life?

School's over and summer has kicked in in full gear, which means that it's almost time to begin 'magiventure'— Yeah, that's magic adventure put together if you don't that already.

Blake and I had decided that he would come pick me up on Tuesday, a day before the resumption day of Firewalt's school of magic. Mom had already helped me pack my things, although I'm quite unsure of their usefulness since there hadn't been a 'Bring along' list on the school's brochure I was provided.

On my departure day, Blake opted for a real magician getup, a purple robe with golden stars all over them and a wizard hat of matching design, he even had a wand at hand though I can't say if it possessed any real magic powers or not. He played 'pick a card' with Mom for a while and displayed a few simple aspects of his magic talent before it was time to go. Mom gave me a bear hug and a really sloppy kiss as she walked with me to her car. I thought I saw her eyes glisten with tears but it must have been my imagination, Mom never cries.

"She's already missing you, you know", said Blake as our car began to move.

"She'll be fine", I replied, more to myself than him actually.

"I know", he returned with a big smile that was starting to become a trademark of his, "I made sure of it".

We fell into a big silence as the ride proceeded. He didn't try to get my attention and I didn't his. It was finally dawning on me how crazy my decision was. I just left my mom, the only family I had for seventeen years, to follow a newly showed up family whom I'd only known for about a week and spend an entire summer in a magic school that I don't even know anything about.

To make matters more complicated, I'm not even sure the Sanderses want me, seeing that it's only an old man, who has a knack for getting on my case, that had come to see me. Maybe my better life isn't really getting better like I thought, maybe it's all just an illusion that I had concocted for myself.

I looked outside the window as the sun began to set and couldn't help but open my mouth as I saw where we were; a land so big that the grounds seem to go on forever in every direction. Many houses adorned the grounds, their white colours complementing the green of the fields. I didn't need to turn to know that Grandpa Blake was beaming with pride at my back.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, " Troy, Welcome to the Sanders Estate ".

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