The beginning

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As the pod soared through the inky void of space, the six children and their pets huddled together, each clinging to a fading hope that they would somehow survive this nightmare. Billy, the eldest at twelve, did his best to reassure his friends - Mikey, Nick, Matt, Chris, Rose, Madison, and Lily - that they would be okay. They had been told they would be pioneers, braving the dangers of deep space to forge a new future for humanity. But as they floated weightlessly in the cramped metal compartment, the only future that seemed certain was a grisly one, where their bodies would decompose and drift endlessly among the stars.

Their only sources of nourishment were a water dispenser and a few packets of freeze-dried food that were supposed to last them until they reached their destination. But as the days turned into weeks, those meager rations began to run out. The children grew weak, their limbs aching from the constant strain of being crammed into such tight quarters. Even their pets, once lively and playful, now lay listlessly in their cages, their ribs visible through their fur.

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