Chapter 3. Emmaline

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She is alive.

I don't know what Max and Evie have done to me, but I can now feel Ella's presence. She isn't close, but I can hear her thoughts echoing in my head. It feels like she is sick, she is thinking about birds, and I'm deeply concerned about what's happening to her.

'Where is Emmaline?' Her voice suddenly echoes in my head, and all I can say is, 'Dying.' I don't know if she is able to hear me or whatever, but I can feel her mind, her body, her thoughts, so why wouldn't she be able to hear me?

I hear Max and Evie talk in the corner of the dark room, the water blocking the sounds too much for me to hear them. They put me in this tank because my powers have grown too wild and powerful, according to Evie. Oxygen is forced into me through the tube connected to my mouth, making it impossible for me to hold my breath and leave this world behind. Several other tubes are connected to my body, controlling my vitals and my powers. Evie told me they are using them to let the world outside look death, impossible to save, to trick the people into believing in the Reestablishment, who say they can actually save this dying world, which actually isn't dying. They let the birds stop flying, the nature disappear. And all I can do about it is float around in my tank, my new home, given to me by my own parents.

But Ella's company is giving me a bit more peace. Part of my mind is able to detach from me and connect with my sister, the only place where I feel safe. She hasn't realised it is me yet, but I hope one day she'll recognise me. I have been gathering all my strength to connect with the supreme kids, and of course Ella, to try to restore whatever is left of their shattered memories. Nazeera is one of them. I know she is smart and I hope she will try to figure out more, her curiosity leading the way.

Max is coming closer at me. He hits the glass of the tank once, twice, trying to catch my attention. I'm listening asshole. It's all I can do now. It's not like I'm sleeping all of the time here, otherwise I don't know if I would ever be able to get back to consciousness again. He starts to fill in codes on my tank and a strange kind of liquid enters my arm through a tube connected to my body. I scream in silence, my voice taken away by them years ago. I kick against the glass, pain dancing through my body, whispering in my brain, singing songs in my toes, and then stabbing in my flesh when I don't expect it. 

I know Evie and Max are watching. They don't care about my pain, or whatever I'm going through. These things they do to me are to strengthen me, but they apparently don't matter to find a way to not let it hurt.

Pain is my best friend these days. My only friend. The one going through this torture together with me.

It is the torture.


Thank you so much for reading already! The story will be updated a few times a week!
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