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Bitches be like "omg these girl idols wanna be wonyoung so bad" or "no one can out do the doer"

But then wtf is wonyoungism,

You guys r literally tryna look like wonyoung and have the same body as her, wonyoungism was supposed to be about confidence nd being the better version of yourself.

NO, wonyoungism does not have to be pink and white.

NO, wonyoungism is for everybody, every race nd every size.

Fucking bodyshamers, 

But wonyoungism is now literally just Eating disorders.

So don't try to talk about other female idols when ur literally apart of that toxic wonyoungism shit.


And no idgaf if this or my other opinions offends anybody, well I kinda do but at the same time I don't rlly care. Most of y'all wanted me to speak my opinions nd I'm now doing this, so I don't really wanna see any crybabies on here 😭😭

@hyeivr. OPINIONSWhere stories live. Discover now