James is back

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Chapter 12:

James POV:

I wonder how everyone is. My father is still talking with the other council members. He was quite angry to learn they were still there. I didn't tell him anything about... her... th...the Alpha being the child of the moon. I still don't understand why I didn't. I know I promised CeCe, but she is still the enemy. But is she really? I am not sure. That pack was different, I mean it is the very first pack I heard of with a woman as Alpha, not to mention, made by a once rouge. It felt safe there. My father disagrees. To him it means that the "dogs" are getting stronger and it is time for a war. He is now trying to convince the rest of the council that it is time, but he needs a unanimous vote and I don't think Jules and CeCe's dad is going to change his mind.

"They will destroy us!"

"We can make peace! This will cause deaths on both sides, many of us will die."I hear their voices start to get louder. I give it 3 seconds before someone walks out.


"Son, we are leaving." All the council members are still yelling and following.

"Dad, I think Harry is right. We could make peace. That pack that I was in, it was welcoming and they helped us through them. I think there is a possibility for peace." The glare given to me shrinks me.

"James, is this true? The pack with the woman Alpha? Where my daughters are?" His hope shines through his hopeless features.

"I think so. They were different." I hope I am not making a mistake. But, this is the only opportunity I see that could make peace.

"Okay. Council members, how about this; we send James to make relations with these Wolves and after we learn enough and it is proven to be safe, me and another council member will come and create a treaty. Maybe after this is done can we communicate with the Werewolf King to make peace." He looks towards the 11 members surrounding him. They each nod their heads. No one wants death to come. My father may not want this, but he understands it is the safest option.

"Son... Do you accept this mission?"


Ayla POV:

CeCe and Julia walk into my office. I called them in here to talk because the depressing stuff is not really going to help anyone. "Alright, you need to talk. I will be a buffer so things are not taken the wrong way.... Okay.... Talk now." Julia looks at her sister.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to insult you, but I was confused. I learned my sister is not my full sister, I'm just your half-sister." CeCe flinches.

"I know you didn't mean any harm, but you indirectly called me a dog and that was my worst fear, to be treated as an enemy. It hurts, because you're my sister. I never thought of you as my half sister, you were always just my sister. I am half werewolf and that will not change. I am sorry I kept it from you, but I didn't want anything to change." Jules is crying, CeCe joins in the tears. I call in Wen and Andy. They join and hug it out.

I sneak out of the room and head to the training field. May waits for me. "Are you ready for your training to continue?" I nod. "I think it is time I teach you one last thing."

"Sit down on the grass over there." I do as told. "Now , close your eyes and focus on my voice. Feel the grass around you. Hear the wind whistling through the trees and the slight crack of branches snapping. Focus on everything and nothing. Feel the breath going in and out and rise of your chest."

The wind sounds so loud in my ears that I think insanity is about to begin, until finally the wind quiets down and I can hear everything; the cars on the highway five miles down, the deer near the pond on the east side of the property. The pack members playing with their little ones in wolf form, I can even hear the individual heartbeat of each ant on the ground. The songs of the birds grab my attention, it feels as if peace envelops the very core of myself. I open my eyes.

"What is that?" I dreamily say.

"That is what we want to protect. That is what we are fighting for. Your mother showed me that when her brother Apollo came to bless me. They said those words to me and I have not forgotten them and neither will you. That feeling I showed you will never leave you."

"I understand." I will make sure that I hear this sound again. However long it takes I will stop every threat.

My sense of hearing picks up on the sound of footsteps on the border, but before I move to check it out, one of our border patrols contacts me. James is back.


Sorry for the very late post


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