she wakes you for cuddles

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A long and heavy sigh fell from Jimin's lips as she turned onto her back.

She's only been home for about fifteen minutes and her day had been so tiring that she thought she'd come home and fall right asleep.

But to her dismay, she's still wide awake, and as tired as she feels, she just can't seem to get to sleep.

She reached for her phone to check the time and saw that it was a little after midnight and with another busy day ahead of her, she shook her head with a sigh of disappointment as she realized that she had only a few hours to get to sleep.

She could hear you breathing quietly beside her as you slept soundly, unaware that she was even home.

The last thing she wanted to do was disturb you from your peaceful slumber but she's losing hope that she'll get to sleep and she needs some comfort from you.

Slowly, she scooted closer to you and gently put her hand on your back.

Her touch caused you to stir and the sound of her voice as she quietly spoke your name made you groan.

You didn't want to wake up.

You had a long day and you were completely exhausted and wanted nothing more than to get back to sleep.

But the way she said your name as she spoke it again when you just moved across the bed made you worry.

She sounded sad and a little anxious.

Knowing your girl like the back of your hand, these things are easy for you to detect, and you just knew that something wasn't right.

"Y/N? Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm awake," You mumbled tiredly. "What's the matter?"

"I can't sleep." She said. "I've just been laying here since I got home."

"How long ago was that?" You curiously asked.

"Less than a half hour ago. But I'm tired and I have to be up in just a few hours and I can't get to sleep. I was wondering if you'd cuddle me?"

That pulled at the strings of your heart and you happily opened your arms up for her to lay in.

She scooted closer, crawling into your embrace, and immediately, she felt a rush of comfort and warmth.

"This is just what I needed." She said as she snuggled up to you, burying her face into your neck.

"I love holding you, darling." You whispered and felt her smile against your skin.

"I love being held by you." She sighed contentedly.

"Try to sleep." You said as you brushed your fingers across her back.

"I can't."

"You can sleep. You'll get there, baby." You promised her, continuing to soothe her. "Just relax and keep your eyes closed."

For the last little while, when she'd close her eyes she still would stay wide awake.

She'd feel restless and anxious and she'd open them back up.

So she thought that the same thing would happen now.

But it didn't.

When she closed her eyes this time, she began to feel secure and she began to drift off to sleep.

"I've got you." You whispered as you rubbed her back and hummed along to her favorite song.

Before you knew it, her breath fanned against your skin and you knew from how steady they were that she'd fallen asleep.

Cuddles from you are all she needs.

It was her cute for any sleepless night and it was always the one thing that brought her the comfort she needed so desperately when her mind wanders off from her and she begins to feel anxious.

She felt better and she was finally able to fall asleep all thanks to you.

"Are you sleeping, babe?" You checked, just to be sure.

And you only got silence in return, just her soft and steady breaths against your skin.

"I guess you are." You said with a small sleepy smile. "I love you so much. Have sweet dreams, my sweet girl."

You put your head back on the pillow and tightened your grip on her slightly as you fell back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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