part 5 ( Reason)

56 5 22

Hee Sik:

           hey! Where were u while night
Huh ! Hooking up with that bit©h

My whole team saw it through your watch

Nam Soon: it's not like that
                 We were just enjoying

Hee sik:

on what type of mission are u !?

Having dinner with him!

Going to amusement park!!

Nam Soon: you are taking it wrong

I was trying to be friends with him

  After that I will backstab him
And expose him

Hee sik:    be on your words

And don't u forget u told him my homes address because u live with your parents
Never let him in ,else we will be exposed

Nam Soon:   yeah I told him I live with a girl

Hee sik: now sleep , we have to work tomorrow

Nam Soon: hm

( Falls on sofa)

Hee sik:
    Go to your house

Nam Soon: stop being rude
                   I am going


( Goes to her mom's house)

Hwang '

Sweetie long time no see
   Aw come her.       ( Hugs her)

What made you come here today

Do u and Hee Sik had a fight?

Nam Soon:      nothing like that I just wanted to see you , he is sweet towards me

     That's good

Ok tell me what u wanna eat?

Nam Soon:    anything u will makee

Hwang '
      Come and sit
   I'll cook

Nam Soon

     Lays on the sofa

Why did he treated me like this , just why? Hee Sik am I not good ??

Oh grandmother!

How were u ??

              Happy to see you

( Hugs her)

Are u ok my child?

Nam Soon: yee
                               ( Idk)

Hwang '
  Foods ready come

    Come sit 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Office workers pov'

Is he changed? What's happening
We have been him since 8 years he has never been like this?

Does he like her??


     Mr CEO there's a problem in our delivery to Russia

One box is missing

Ryu: call the driver

Manager:   he is here

( Man comes out and falls on his knees)

Ryu : where were u when this happened? I told you not to stop anywhere

Driver: sir I didn't stopped anywhere but there was pretty lady asking for help in the way , I just stopped to help her

Ryu: a lady?   Huh

( Looks at him with no emotion, completely emotion less face)

Office workers pov'

   Funny right!? We thought he is changed , once a devil always a devil

One more death today
Let's go back to work , if he sees us hiding we are dead too

Manager :    security take the body out and burn it

Sir can I ask something!?

Ryu:  I am in calm mood so be fast-

Manager: why are u so interested in that girl?

Ryu: nice question

Um because

She is very strong and powerful

Even more than me , and without taking drugs for power

I want her to be mine

Manager: oh well

( Leaves the room)


Have u eaten well Nam Soon?

Nam Soon: ye

      Ok go sleep baby

Nam Soon:
    Aren't u coming? to sleep with me

Hwang '

Sweetie , me and ur granny is having some adult talk

Nam Soon:
        I am adult too

    Please stop treating me like a baby

Hwang '

    We know darling

Mumma is going to have a meeting tomorrow , with a mafia

I have to make a perfect plane

Nam Soon:  ohk! Well I am going

Her pov'

Wait! A meeting with a mafia!?
Please don't be what I am thinking

My mum doesn't know I work with him under his unit


Authors note-

Sorry for the late update

My exams are still going

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