Finding out

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Adam's Pov:

At first, they thought there was something wrong with my eyes. The doctor flipped the lenses in the Phoroptor asking me "Do you see 1 or 2", I simply stated exactly what I had seen a 1, "one". What I would have given for a classic case of glaucoma... As I was staring at the paper with numbers and letters through the PhoroptorI began to see the numbers and letters melt together sliding off the paper like it was fresh ink wet on paper as I blinked it all went away, of course, this wasn't any eye problem it was much different. The ophthalmologist removed the Phoroptor away from my eye "Okay we're done!" we went home and I sat in my room all day, soon after this appointment, I started to hear the voices, and not my neighbor or my mom calling me and it wasn't her and I was daydreaming like actual whispering voices saying sinister things in my head. Things I would never think of. 'Kill your mom', 'Beat that girl up', 'Set the school on fire', 'You'll die if you sleep tonight', and even them calling out my name multiple times 'Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam-', You get the point... I'm sure they told you about the cooking... Call it what you want, a distraction, self-medicating, whatever. But it was the only thing that could make them shut the fuck up. Don't blame my mom for not figuring it out sooner. She had a lot goin' on the past couple of years. When my dad decided the whole 'fatherhood thing' was a buzzkill for his creativity, we had to take the shit sandwich we'd been served and make it edible. So, I cooked. And cooked... The meals became my contribution to our underdog story. She tried every meal I made she was my biggest fan complimenting every dish, "Mmm. Sweetheart, it's delicious!", 'No, it's not she's lying to you so you won't get hurt' fuck off... Anyway, I got good at it. "Mmm. It's just the right amount of cumin." she passing it to my stepdad Paul... He moved in... "Mmm, it's interestin'.", "It's so good, honey. I love it" 'Lies, and you know it'. Home, as I knew it, became a thing of the past. So I was getting out a lot, I visited this one restaurant a lot learning their recipes and taking notes on their skills. Getting into cooking school next fall was like an oasis from the dumpster fire my brain was slowly becoming. I just needed to keep my eye on the prize and bide my time... How hard could it be to hide my burgeoning insanity from the unforgiving ecosystem that is high school? My friend Todd and I were walking through the hall 

"Check this out," He said looking up from his phone as I stared at a girl dressed like she was selling crystals in an organic food store. "We finally got invited to one of Sarah's parties. We can't miss this one, man. You're coming, right? I'll pick you up tonight!" I was completely out of the conversation staring at the girl fanning smoke from what looks like a sage stick onto students and they seemed to not be bothered... "Who is that" I asked him hoping he would see the girl as well he seemed to be looking in the same direction and replied "Sarah? The love of my life?". What I'm saying is, for a while, they were just voices. "Yeah, right Sarah...", After this we went to science... And let's say everything did go well... I heard voices nobody was bothered, I saw all the glasses move across the room in my direction I spilled some acidic chemicals on Todd's arm he screamed in agony gripping his arm and squatting onto the floor. I started to breathe heavily like I was having a panic attack. The lights started to flicker, Black smoke burst out of some of the viles filling the room with this dust black smoke, causing me to cough... Only me... I ran towards the exit seeing a dark-skinned bald man in an Adidas track suit half showing his wife's beater tank top underneath standing at the exit unfazed with a bat and cig. "Don't worry boss we got this," He says as he drops the cig and whistles, two more men one around the same skin tone one with dreads, and one with a normal slick back cut, both armed with bats as well. They start to walk over to the black dust and start to swing at it with the bats. I stand watching wondering what are the bats doing to do against what seems like smoke. "Kid... KID!" He says, "You want us to protect your scrawny ass, or what? Beat it." He used his bat to lightly guide me out of the doorway as he joins the 2 men swinging at the smoke, I stood there not knowing if I should leave school like this, the girl from the hall away come and tell me to go before I could even leave school police comes into the room and grabs me by my shoulders and tells me "Just calm down." I try to wrestle my way out his hand to leave the classroom but couldn't break from his grasp, "Calm down, son. Calm down! Just calm down, son. Calm. It's okay." He ended up getting me onto the ground and helping me take deep breaths. Todd leaves the classroom with a paper towel wrapped over his arm frantically crying due to the pain.

They called it my first "psychotic break". And that's when we found out exactly what I am. Schizophrenia. A chronic mental disorder in which a person loses touch with reality. Allowing for visual and auditory hallucinations. Paranoia. Delusions. Hence the chemistry class extravaganza. A cornucopia of shit basically. Never goes away, never normal. 

The end.

A/N: I thought I'd try something new! Let me know if you like it. This way made just for my readers who like my fanfic and the ones who especially like the ones that I presently unpublished go check out my latest convo about if (and if you are reading this in the future and I have had many after that check for the date 2/26/2024! This is not my story this is a fanfic based on the movie Words on bathroom walls. It is about a kid named Adam who is struggling with Schizophrenia and has hallucinations and in my version, he has a hallucination that gets into a relationship with one of his other hallucinations! Yes, I know it sounds crazy but trust me it will be good and if anyone with Schizophrenia thinks this is insensitive I will take it down and write just about Joaquin being a real person! Thank you for reading stay healthy and strong, and don't forget to eat and drink water, Bye <3. 

WC: 1164

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