< CHAPTER 5:Fun day?>

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<From the previous chapter>

<''Did you complete what I have asked you to do?..'' Kenzo asked turning around in his office chair seemingly speaking to no one at first until the figure of an old woman(same old woman First name met at the streets) appeared out of the shadows of his office. ''I have your highness.'' With that confirmation the woman seems to shift in a different form, she now had grown taller, her skin turned into a paler pinkish color, her hair grown having its dark magenta spike of color back and a pair of black wings sticking out of her head and lastly she became younger in terms of age

''Hmm good job you may now leave and take your rest..'' with that kenzo turned back to his desk placing his hands carefully on the files that scattered through out his table as the figure exits his office not before slightly bowing and gently closing the door

'I hope it keeps her in check' Kenzo dozed off a bit before the ticking time of midnight has sounded catching his attention as he gently sighs

'Time for work...'> 

3rd Person POV: 

The morning sun shines its way into the city giving everyone a bright start of the day, the sun made its way to a certain lady sleeping inside the sheets of her bed and comfortably snoozing. First name was sleeping until the rays of sunlight has made its way to her face making her twist in ways and groan from the bright light. First name yawned and rubbed her eyes softly and stared up the ceiling above with half lidded eyes trying to think on what this day brings but not so sure on what to do for today or what events may happen. 

'Hmm what should I do today?.. Maybe hang out in town again? ehh I'll just have to see' First name thought but was snapped out of her daze of thinking once a knock on the door was heard 

''Come in!'' First name said as she sat up from her bed sheet covers now slightly more awake than before, the door lightly squeaked as it was slowly opened to which someone then entered.. It was Lorna! 

''Greetings lady First name and a lovely morning to you." Lorna greeted and bowed slightly "A lovely morning to you too Lorna." First name greeted back with a gentle close eye smile

''Lady First name sir Kenzo would like to see you this morning in the dinning room for breakfast and have a talk." Lorna informed her immediately right after her greeting, First name confused at first but immediately snapped out of it as she giggled before nodding her head to her personal maid, not going to lie she actually like her personal maid she was nice, considerate, and ongoing and she was sure she would get along with her more over the times she will be staying  here despite not knowing how long she'll even be staying. 

"Ok I will catch up soon, I will just change my clothes.'' with that Lorna bowed and exited First name's room

"Now what do we wear for today..'' First name thought as she made her way to her wardrobe and the opened the doors that lead to the place that  holds all her clothes

"Yosh! Let's see what outfit can reach today's adventure.'' First name ravages through her whole wardrobe before seeking the so called 'Perfect outfit of the day' it was , First name managed to find a fitting outfit for the day 

'' First name ravages through her whole wardrobe before seeking the so called 'Perfect outfit of the day' it was , First name managed to find a fitting outfit for the day 

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