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A week passed , Athena hadn't come back , Luther was getting anxious.

It has been a terrible week for him , he has been trying hard to control himself and give her the space she needs.

He was pacing up and down near the Academy entrance.

Phillips and Liam walked to him , " you okay? " , " she said a week , I gave her a week , why hasn't she come back? " , " who? " , " Athena? " , " ow she left this morning s..." , " she left? To where? " , " back home ".

Luther was losing his mind before he could march away to the forest , Phillips held him by the collar " if you calm down , you'll see she just got to school " he voiced pointing towards the main gate.

A flush of release reflected on his face , Phillips let him go he ran to her taking her by surprise " what ? What is it? " he picked her up and hugged her taking in her scent.

" Luther what is it , you're freaking me out " he put her down " I missed you " she rolled her eyes , " I thought it was something serious " , " so my feelings don't matter to you " , " that's not what I said and I am in no mood to argue with you , I need to get in " she walked away and he followed.

" didn't you miss me ? " She looked at him and stop " really what's wrong? What has you so emotional today? " , " you noticed I am emotional? " , " yes ".

" Phillips said you left that's why " , " ow no I am leaving after this " , " Athena " , " Luther please not now " , " then when? I have so much to say to you then when do we talk? " , " I really don't have time , right after this I need to go , I have urgent this to attend to ".

" this to is urgent Athena " , " watch how you speak to t..." Athena shook her head signaling Luca to stop.

She walked away , he was about to go after her but Luca held onto him " what? " He yanked himself away.

" stop always trying to fight , not everyone is fighting with you.

Sometimes just listen " , " what is it Luca " , " let her go " , " why? " , " it's easy on her if you let her go , you're confusing her , she needs to do her job ".

" she is my Mate and I want her with me " , " what you want and what she wants is different , she holds a great responsibility for our world , you're so short sighted that you don't even realize whom has been with you for so long ".

" what do you mean? Who is she? " , " she gave you books to read yet you don't recognize her , and you call yourself an Alpha " , " she gave me books on th..." he paused then looked back at Phillips , Luca left him.

He marched to Phillips,  " I swear if you yell I won't answer " Phillips said before Luther could say anything.

" why didn't you tell me? " , " I thought you figured it out when you figured out who I was " , " figured what out? " Liam asked.

" you knew I didn't " , " I don't see why you're upset and why you're taking it out on me " Luther closed his eyes taking a breather " what are you guys talking about ? " , " Athena isn't Athena she's the " miracle child " as you lot call her " Liam gasped.

" where is she going? " , " probably to fix something or remove someone , or take care of something,  I don't know I've been with Liam " , " when will she be back? ".

Phillips put his hands on Luther's shoulders " we're going to the Veteneries this week , I need to find out what's really going to happen and how we'll live from now on.

You can come with us , your father is coming to , you can ask her everything you need to there , plus you'll have people to support you.

Everyone there has been crossing they fingers for years for her to find her mate so be patient ".

" it's just too much , I can't sleep , this week has been terrible,  I just want to hold her and just fall asleep , I am tired " , " I understand but it will all be worth it I promise, just two days then you'll see her again and when you do , don't act weird and want to shout at her ".

He nodded , they turned and walked into the Academy,  the hall was full of students.

Athena stood infront with Luca " okay everyone please sit , this won't take long " , it went silent.

" it has come to my knowledge that ,  you were not taught well on mating , it seems , your teacher only focused on the you know regular man and woman but forgot to teach you that our mates are choosen by the Goddess.

It is normal for a male to be mated to a male , that doesn't mean that person is gay but they're attracted to only that male and not others.

Even if they happen to be gay , you can be mated to a female , or female to female now these are things we should all get familiar with.

It will be difficult at first because you know the changes , the feelings things are new but I am telling you it's easier when you have a support system around you.

This is not me trying to encourage same gender marriages , no this is me making it a norm for there is nothing wrong with accepting,  yourself,  your partner,  your friends , your siblings the Goddess chose those people for a reason and we need to respect that and not make them uncomfortable ".

" but now do we normalize men getting pregnant? " one of the students asked , " if that male is a consiver then yes , I guess we should , these all will be answered in your next classes.

I've taken time to rearrange a few things , because I felt you were all being given little information especially when it comes to this topic.

Like having a human mate , a vampire mate , a hybrid or a mortal mate all these things aren't supposed to be left out , you all have the right to this information ".

Bella stood up " and who gave you the right to change anything? We s..." , " I'd be careful how you speak to me young lady considering your little problem " , " I don't have a problem ".

Athena got up , Phillips got up nervous of what she'd do " you just found your mate a few days ago , he told you to keep it to yourself,  you don't think that's a problem? " , " who..how.." she sturted.

Athena smiled " luckily I feel like blessing you than giving you a punishment,  Eric has been sleeping with Eunice for the past 5 years that's why you've been having weird abdominal pain and constant spotting.

If you continue to be with him go as far as mating with him your children will betray this pack just as he will continue cheating on you ".

Bella looked at him tears in his eyes " child " Athena called out and Bella looked at her " wipe those tears away , for you can change your fate " she did as told " reject him and marry Rico Johnson , your children will carry your legacy and will make you proud.

One of them will be a mortal and become a guidian,  I bestow this blessing upon you , I hope you use it well " Bella went down on her knees and so did Rico.

She smiled and walked out , Phillips smiled " it's been a while since she last blessed someone " he smiled.

" was that all true? " , " she never lies " they stayed listening to Luca finishing off the chat on mates.

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