Chapter 4!!!!

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It's been a few days now, that I've been living with Choi Seung Hyun and in those few days we've become really good friends. :)

I'm so happy! I have a new friend and I can finally get my life back on track! I haven't really done anything to find a job yet, I've mostly just been hanging out with Seung Hyun and drawing some more designs. I decided that I need to make something amazing to show my possible new employers, so right now that's what I'm doing. I'm sitting on the floor of Seung Hyuns walk in closet, with my pencils and sketch pad, drawing a very nice guys outfit. My new roommates closet is the perfect inspiration for me. He has a lot of clothes.... Most of which are extremely expensive looking, and very fashionable. Aaaah it's like heaven!!!

I have come to the conclusion that he must be the son of a rich family. How else could he afford all this nice stuff at such a young age???

I put the finishing touches on the drawing and hold it out in front of me to examine it. It looks good! I've been trying out a new style and I think it's working!


I want Seung Hyuns opinion, so I begin to look for him in the big appartment. He disappears sometimes and I don't know where... I don't really want to pry though because I don't really have a right to, since he's letting me stay in his appartment for free. Not to mention that he's letting me invade his bedroom closet to look at his clothes as I draw.

Thankfully right now I won't have to go searching for him because as I walk down the hallway from the bedroom I can see him sitting on the couch reading something. I rush over to the couch in excitement and proudly present my creation before him.

"Whaddya think?" I ask, practically radiating excitement.

He looks up from the paper he is reading and studies the drawing that I'm holding out.

I like how he looks at my drawings. He actually judges them and gives opinions on what is good and what I should fix, instead of just glancing at it and saying it looks good.

It makes me feel more professional and successful with the designs that I work so hard on.

Seung Hyun finishes looking at the drawing and proceeds to point at a spot on it. I sit down beside him so that we're at a better angle to analyze the paper together.

"The neckline here should be softer, to make it look more casual..."

I nod. He's right, that would look better.

"And.... The rest looks great!" He smiles at me and I smile back proudly.

"Thanks! And thanks again for letting me use your closet as inspiration. You have a lot of great clothes so it really helps a lot!"

He laughs cutely and then says; "Well I'm glad it helps, but I didn't actually pick out most of the clothes in there." He looks away as if he's kind of embarassed.

"Oh! Who picked them out?" He must have some great connections to a designer or something.

"My friend Ji Yong did." He gets up as he replies and walks over to the shelf with the pictures on it. He picks up one that shows a really good looking guy (you could go so far a to say he's pretty, actually).

I walk over to get a better look at the picture... Mainly to see what clothes he's wearing in the picture... But also because I want to get a better look at his attractiveness. :3

"Oooh, he looks very stylish..." I mumble as I stare at Seung Hyuns friend.

"He is..." Seung Hyun replies so I look up at him. His expression is weird. It's kind of like he's studying my reaction.

But why? I'm busy trying to figure out why he's acting so suspiciously, so I almost don't realize when he starts talking again.

".... So you can meet him then." I catch the end of what he said.

"Sorry, what?" I blush and smile sheepishly. "I kind of zoned out..."

I'm an awful person, to have zoned out while talking to somebody that I owe so much to!

He just grins and starts over.

"I was saying that its Ji Yongs birthday this weekend and some other friends and I are throwing a party for him, so if you want to come you can meet him there."

YES! Of course I want to meet this guy with amazing fashion sense! I want to yell this out but instead I act calm and considerate.

"Are you sure it's okay? I don't want to intrude or anything..."

"It's fine, I'm sure he'd love to meet you too." My roommate puts the picture back on the shelf and then flashes a smile in my direction.

YAY! I'm going to meet the ultimate inspiration!

"Thank you~!" I run at Seung Hyun and give him a hug, just because I want to, and I need to express my happiness!!!! I release him and then just stand there thinking about how amazing Ji Yong will be.

"Do you want to see the party plans?" Seung Hyun waves a paper in front of my face and I realize that it's the one that he was reading a few minutes ago.

"Sure!" He hands it to me and I sit down on the couch to read it. It looks like the party is going to be a surprise party in Ji Yongs appartment. There will be just be a few friends, and nothing really fancy, but it sounds like it will be fun!

"What should I bring as a gift???" I mumble to myself..... "I need to get something.... But I dont know what he likes.....Hmmm....."

"Draw him a design." I look up in surprise as the attractive guy beside me answers my random rambling.

"Would he like that?" I'm doubtful.... Would somebody with such great fashion sense appreciate somebody giving them a clothing design?

"Yes of course! He'd love it!" He eye smiles at me... Ohmygosh.... So cute!

I can't decide if I like it when he smiles at me or not. It's always so adorable that I love it but I also end up grinning and blushing like an idiot... Grrs. The downside of being a boy-obsessed girl.

"Okay... I'll do that then!! What kinds of colours and styles does he like?" I'll work hard on this! I need to make a good impression on Ji Yong!

"Well.... He likes crazy bright colours and patterns..." Seung Hyun tells me all about his friend and I listen intently and take notes on what he says.

This design will be amazing.

The party will be amazing.

My life is becoming extremely amazing.


A.N~ helloo everyone! It's been a while....

Sorry about that... I became obsessed wih other kpop groups so I kind of lost inspiration :'( IM SORRY TOP!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO BETRAY YOU! YOU'RE STILL MY ULTIMATE BIAS!

Anyway, I hope you like this update! Admittedly, it's not as good as the other chapters... But it's just to kind of build up to the good parts to come :)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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My Roommate is Famous...? (a T.O.P/BigBang Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora