How I Met My Trauma-Bound Brother

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  Hi, my name is Ada Williams. I, like many other unfortunate souls, am a daughter of a Greek god. Yes, those exist. No, I'm not crazy (at least not that much).

   I could go on and on about of my particular childhood and the struggles I got from seeing and experiencing things that adults said were impossible. But I might as well start with one of the very few moments that being a halfblood wasn't that bad.

  This set us up a couple of years ago in September. I had just turned 10 years old a couple days before and I was coming home from my new school I was at because I got expelled from my last one due to some trouble I got into that wasn't my fault. I mean, how could I have knocked the wind out of a bully if I didn't even punch him? I mean, yeah, sure, I really wanted to, but I wasn't going to do it and, of course, no one believed me.

  Anyway, on the way home, I saw an oddly large Tibetan Mastiff walking down the street, and for a second, I thought it was really cute until it started barking and chasing me. I ran through the streets of Manhattan until my legs felt like they were burning and my lungs hurt, which led me to an alley with a very rabid dog on my back a couple of meters away from me.

  On my last hope of not being torn apart, I grabbed a rusty metal rung that had apparently fallen off the damaged fire escape next to me. My grip on the step was slippery thanks to sweaty hands and that I felt more scared than I had ever been.

  I didn't know why God was so determined to make me his best warrior, but I tried to ask him to please let me go home to my mom.

  The dog (who had grown a lot compared to a few moments ago) jumped towards me and I felt a surge of adrenaline and a tingling in my hands with which I managed to grab the metal tightly and as soon as I was going to hit him with the piece of metal a thunder hit the ground and my back hit the wall of the candy store next door.

  The last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was the dog disintegrating into dust and a lady in a red, white and blue uniform running towards me.

When I woke up I was siting in a chair on a corner with the left of my head rest against the grey bricked wall with a blue coat covering me. I was on what it seemed a storage room filled with a lot of candys and the best smell ever. In front of me, a couple meters away, blonde kid who looked my age was resting his right side against the open door with his arms crossed.

  — Mom! The strange girl is awake! — He said as he was looking at me with the most stranged look.

  — Percy! Don't say that. — A woman said, appearing behind her son.

  — Hi, little one. My name is Sally and he is Percy, my son. How are you feeling? —

  — Im feeling good. Thank you for getting me into safety, ma'am. What time is it? — I asked as I got up and pulled the coat off of me, the boy that now I know was Percy grabbed it and put it on a shelf.

  — It must already be past 5pm, I believe. Don't worry, I have already called the ambulance a couple of minutes ago, so they must be on their way already. When they get here, they can find your parents. — She smiled sweetly at me.

  I loved her voice. It made me feel at ease, it reminded me to my mom. Oh no, my mom. Mom must be home from court already and worrying sick.

  — Listen, I'll wait outside for the ambulance, ok? - Sally said in a reassuring tone.

  She looked back at her son and spoke to him.

  — Percy, stay with her and see she's okay - She demanded as she walked trought the door. The boy nodded in response.

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