Chapter Thirty: Goodbye... or Farewell?

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Day of the Concert

Starry Skies were performing on the day of March 30th. The idol group had begun the first song of ten, their audience watched as they cheered on for the group. Kokori looked over at the performing idols from afar, she had a dark hoodie on with her hood up just in case. Leaning back against a tree, her pink eyes staring at the bright spotlights that came from the stage. This was a good change of pace for Kokori as she didn't really feel the need to hide or run from anyone since the open performance was packed.

Aimi was waving her glow sticks around wildly with no thoughts, head empty as she was just excited and going off of the dopamine she was receiving from watching her favorite idol group perform in front of her eyes. Rośe had a smile on her face as she watched Aimi have fun, it was a nice break for her, to be able to spend some time off and instead, spending it with someone she cares for.

But there was something that kept bothering her this entire time. She didn't really understand what it was, perhaps it was just anxiety... or maybe a precognition? Rośe shook the thoughts away, it didn't really matter as of now. She did this to take time off and relax, not to be excessively worried over nothing.

Starry Skies had completed their third to last song, and so, Yui Hoshino announced the second to last song, a cover of 'Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow'.


Somewhere else, Jay and Sia were also watching the concert. Sia was relatively new to the idol group. A classmate of hers recommended her to go watch the concert and so, asking her older brother, the two went out to go watch it. Sia looked with awe at the idols, dancing and singing at the same time. The beauty and grace of the idols took Sia's breath away as she watched them perform with perfect sync.

While Sia was more focused on what was being done, Jay was paying attention to what was being said.

English Lyrics sung and done by Rachie

I do whatever I want to

I fight who I don't like, I'm a rebel through and through

Without a single hope for the future

I wanted so badly to live within a dream

And yet I'm still afraid of the future

While hating tomorrow, wish things were the way they were

But time it stops for no one, and so I shout

"I don't want, I don't want, don't want tomorrow to come,"

A thought came to the older siblings' mind, a thought of the perfect future he could have had had his mother and father swapped, his kind and gentle mother alive while his uncaring deadbeat dad died.

Then came a second thought.

Why is it that people feel different emotions when certain songs are played?

In this song, he doesn't understand why, but it feels like this specific song is telling him, or maybe someone else? To move on from the past, to move on and look to the future that they can make better.

"But if it all leads up to just a dream

At least let me change my yesterday"

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