Chapter 1: The Mystery Singer

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It was another day like any other for the residence of Hazbin Hotel. Husk manned the bar, while Angel Dust chatted up with a drink in hand along side him. Music plays throughout the lounge as Alastor finally descends from his room to find the place more lax than usual. Charlie and Vaggie on the other hand were planning on today's activities. Even after the renewal of the hotel and Sir Pentious' sacrifice, the show had to go on. Seeing as Alastor is not needed, he opt to make his way to his new and improved radio tower. Midway up the steps, he stops to tune in on the song. The longer he listens, the more he resonates with the singer. Their voice was harmonious as every note is perfectly sung as though they understood how to manifest Jazz. "Well, hello~" He cooed. "What is that lovely melody?"

"You mean Aurora Doe?" Charlie answered.

"Aurora Doe?" He parroted. "What an interesting name."

"You seriously don't know who they are?" Angel interjected. "They're the most popular artist in the Pride Ring. They showed up six years ago, and became a hit within a short time." It made sense why Alastor hadn't noticed as he was absent during those years. What bothered him is familiarity of the voice possibly connected to his time as a human. The more he ran through his thoughts, the curious he gets. He could easily dismiss the idea, but he had nothing better to do, and the alluring voice is definitely worth investigating. It's not everyday a talent catches his ears.

"Is there any way of reaching them?"

"They perform at a club called, "Gents" found somewhere in the eastern part of the ring. There is a formal dress code involved." Charlie takes one look at Alastor realizing he's always in a suit. "Which is not a problem for you."

"What are you up to, Alastor?" Vaggie glares at him with suspicion since his excitement over a person is never a good sign.

"Nothing. I merely want to meet a fellow Jazz enthusiast. Perhaps even discuss a partnership to help sponsor the hotel. With an important figure like her, I'm sure it will boost the hotel's status, and bring many misfits at our door." Alastor's alibi was hard to argue, and it's not like he doesn't come through on his word, but Vaggie refused to trust his intentions are for good. "Or maybe, rekindle an old flame." He mumbled as he walks out.

Charlie turns to her lover gleefully. "What a great idea! I hope she approves. We can do a musical to advertise the hotel." Endless concepts bounce within the blonde as she gets ahead of herself.

"Did he just say an old flame?" Vaggie queried. Everyone exchanges a look of confusion of whether or not they heard Alastor right. In the end, the group decided to overlook the meaning behind it.

It wasn't long until Alastor pinpoints the establishment. Inside the club are an array of round tables dressed in navy cloth with a candle as a centerpiece. Bars are found on each end of the room. Live, Smooth Jazz plays in the background setting the mood. Alastor takes a seat in the back as soon as the lights dim. The intercom announces your entrance. "Ladies and gentleman, please give it up for the beautiful sinner this side of hell. Miss Aurora Doe." The redhead's grin widens eagerly as he props his chin on his hand. What kind of face lies behind the curtains, he wondered.

You sashay to the beat of the cello, cat walking up to the microphone with a deadly gaze. It's enough to make a man swoon. As you choir, Alastor is completely mesmerized. Your voice is even better in person than he assumed. You sung with such passion, and desire that made Alastor follow your every movement. Your eyes start to glow creating an optical illusion. Colorful lights fill the room hovering above everyone like an aurora borealis. It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Aurora Doe is your stage name because of what you can do. It's your way of dazzling the crowd. Alastor raises a hand to touch one of the lights as it floats across his arm. For an imaginary orb, it certainly is warm. "Fascinating." He peers up to find you staring directly at him. This sends his heart into a flutter. His smile unconsciously shifts into a crooked one. The world is put to a halt while sharing an intense glance as though you were singing only for him. His knees weaken, and his palms sweat. Why was his body reacting strangely? Have you cast a spell on him? No, he would know when he's under attack. The feeling brewing inside is different. He's felt it before only this time, it felt stronger than admiration. It was love, but to Alastor it's an new obsession.

The moment passes when you tear away to face the others. Disappointment and jealousy builds within before he recognizes you as someone he once adored. Your voice was one of a kind to him. You were the only one to make his heart soar as it did minutes ago. You would enchant millions of men, and in turn, Alastor became spiteful. His desire to rid the competition so he can be the only one you perform for. Your true name was (Y/n). He would eventually learn that after an unhealthy amount of time of stalking over you. Now here you are in hell. Is it sign for him to continue his pursuit a long lost dream? Maybe so. Everything was coincidentally falling into place.

The song ends and your frame disappears back stage to Alastor's dismay.

"Oh, Miss Aurora Doe. You clearly are meant to be mine. After all, a buck needs his doe."

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