Chapter 1

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Hewo everyone new book! So this thing takes place after Crimes of Grindelwald and Queenie never went to Grindelwald. Leta is so far dead (;-;) as far as we know...

Tina was focusing on the newspaper, Queenie reading beside her.

The New York Ghost

Gellert Grindelwald sentenced to No-Maj prison after murder of 5 social officials in London, and 7 in New York. Several other attacks have been seen in Europe, but had never been caught. Today he has finally been captured by police in London, facing charges for murder and attempted murder. Unknown what the No-Maj police will do with him.

"Wait! Flip back," Queenie interrupted the silence.

Tina flicked back one page.

"Grindelwald in prison?" Queenie stared at the page. "In a No-Maj prison?"

"He'll escape in no time," Tina muttered. "How did he even get caught?"

"He probably let himself or something," Queenie mused. "But why? What's the point?"

"Maybe he wanted to understand No-Maj technology,"


Gellert Grindelwald sentenced to muggle prison after murder of 5 social officials in London, and 7 in New York. Several other attacks have been seen in Europe, but had never been caught. Today he has finally been captured by police in London, facing charges for murder and attempted murder. unknown what the muggles will do with him.

blah blah, what? Newt was startled, and flipped back from his mindless reading. Grindelwald in a muggle prison? Why? And how did he even get caught? Why is he just killing random muggles? Wait they're not random, they're political people! What's Grindelwald plotting now? Taking over the muggles and kill them all?

Picket suddenly squeaked and stuck his head out of Newt's pocket.

"What is it, Pick?" Newt glanced down at the weedy little bowtruckle.

Pickeet squeaked again and mimicked holding a quill and writing. Then he picked up the nonexistent piece of paper, folded it, and swung his tiny arms up and down like wings. He chirped, and settled back into his pocket.

"Um..." Newt looked at him uncertainly.

Pickett let out a sound so obviously a sigh, and splat his head on the table. He chirped multiple times, making exaggerated gestures and squeaking slowly as if Newt was a first-grader, finally ending with a dramatic arm slam onto the table.

"I still don't understand, Pickett," Newt told the tiny creature.

Pickett collapsed dramatically, in awe of Newt's stupidity.

"What? Why don't you speak more clearly?" Newt sighed.

Pickett chattered angrily, and stole Newt's quill, and snatched a random book and tore out a page from the middle. He started scribbling furiously, Newt watching him with a smile. Pickett finished, and whacked Newt with the quill.

"Really?" Newt asked, and peered down at the paper. It read:

Letter -> tina + queenie

"About what?" 

Pickett facepalmed again, and started writing again. 


"Oh, tell them about Grindelwald?" Newt finally caught up.

Picket squeaked exasperatedly, and nodded.

"You could've said that the first time! Also, you ruined one of my favorite books!" Newt exclaimed.

Pickett chirped, and shrugged.

Newt sighed again and conjured a fresh piece of paper and started writing.

Dear Tina and Queenie,

Apparently Grindelwald is in a muggle prison. We all know he's not there because he actually got caught, he turned himself in. We need to talk. Come to my house as soon as you can. Pack with intention to stay for a few weeks or so. I live in Sherringford Square #9. I hope to see you soon.

Sincerely, Newt Scamander

P.S. don't apparate and cause attention. Come by boat.

Newt took out one more sheet of parchment and copied the letter, excluding the apparating part, addressed to a different person. To Theseus. He went down to his basement and sent the two letters off. Then he got to work. Within a couple minutes, he had enlarged his house to have multiple bedrooms, and conjured more chairs by the dining table. Then he sat down again next to Pickett.

"I feel like this is going to be a very interesting day," Newt murmured to him.


Newt makes Pickett very tired apparently. Oh and the ships as Theta, Newtina (duh) and Jakweenie. Theseus and Leta were supposed to get married, but leta died.. (maybe ;)). Jacob and Queenie are dating. Newt and Tina are hopelessly oblivious as per usual. Yes they love each other but much too shy to admit it. :p

Is kind of short but oh well. Hope you enjoyed! <3

Muggle RebellionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora