The Unfortunate Halloween (Part 9)

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Im honestly getting tired of putting the title over and over and im getting crushed by work so i feel like i just got served 10 pounds of agony.

shelly tumbles off the porch making her fall and break the tip of her shell.*

Hotdog: UH- Shelly!? Are you okay? What happened?!

Shelly: *to stunned to speak.*: i-..

Shieldy: uhm..what just happened and why did popsicley do that-?

Partyhat: well something bad thats for sure! And she's hurt badly!

Pizza: then what should we do?

Hotdog: i have slurpy's phone number in case of emergency lets call her!

Shieldy: uh..alright!

*on a call (the final five and slurpy.)*

Slurpy: hey hotdog!

Hotdog: heyyy slurpy..we got an emergency..

Slurpy: why-? What happened?

Shieldy: so uh..we were trick-or-treating and then we were at the last house of the night and we figured out that shelly didn't go yet so we helped her go knock on the door but..the person came out was popsicley which slapped her across the face forming cracks around her face and then pushed shelly down the porch breaking off her tip..


Hotdog: um..we wish we were.

Shieldy: now shes hurt think you can come pick her up?

Slurpy: on my way.

The Unfortunate Halloween (cancelled)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora